
聚氨酯木塑复合材料协效阻燃抑烟及性能 被引量:1

Synergistic flame retardancy and smoke suppression and physical properties of polyurethane/wood composites
摘要 添加一定比例聚磷酸铵(APP)和三氧化二铁(Fe_2O_3)制备聚氨酯木塑复合材料,采用锥形量热(CONE)、极限氧指数(LOI)、烟密度(SDT)、压缩实验、24 h吸水率测试、场发射扫描电镜(FE-SEM)探讨加入APP和Fe_2O_3对聚氨酯木塑复合材料的协同阻燃抑烟性能、力学性能、吸水性能的影响。结果表明:加入一定比例的APP和Fe_2O_3对聚氨酯木塑复合材料具有一定的协效阻燃抑烟性,热释放速率峰值(PHRR)下降了39.8%,0~300 s具有最低的总热释放值,同时烟雾因子曲线、烟密度均表现出Fe_2O_3对APP/WPC具有良好的抑烟效果;压缩实验表明,加入两种阻燃剂样品的力学性能虽有所降低,但是仍高于加入单一阻燃剂的样品,这可能是由于Fe_2O_3与APP具有一定的相容性,同时一定比例含量的Fe_2O_3能够提高APP/WPC的力学性能。24 h吸水率说明Fe_2O_3与APP的加入能够使样品的吸水性能在一定程度上增加,但仍低于只加入APP的样品。 By adding a certain proportion of ammonium polyphos- pbate (APP) and ferric oxide (Fe203), wood^polyurethane eompos ites was prepared. By the methods of cone calorimeter (CONE), the limiting oxygen index (LOI), smoke density (SDT), compres- sion test, 24 h water absorption test and field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), the properties of the synergistic flame retardancy and smoke suppression, mechanical properties and water absorption properties for adding APP and Fe2O3 to wood/ polyurethane composites were researched. The results showed that a certain proportion of APP and Fe2O3 bad a synergistic flame retar dam and smoke suppression effect for wood^polyurethane compos- ites. The peak heat release rate (PHRR) of this composite de- creased by 39.8%, and it had the lowest value of the total heat re- lease at 0--300 s. Smoke factor curves and smoke density showed that Fe2O3 had good smoke suppression effect on APP/WPC. The compression experiment results showed that the mechanical proper- ties of samples with two kinds of flame retardant was decreased, but still higher than the samples with single flame retardant, which may be due to Fe203, and APP has certain compatibility, and a cer- tain proportion of content of Fe2O3 can improve the mechanical properties of APP/WPC. The value of 24 h absorption rate indicat- ed that addition of Fe2O3 and APP can increase the water absorp tion properties of the samples, but it still lower than samples just adding APP.
出处 《消防科学与技术》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第11期1581-1584,1597,共5页 Fire Science and Technology
基金 国家林业公益性行业科研重大专项(201504502)
关键词 阻燃抑烟 聚氨酯木塑复合材料 APP FE2O3 flame retardant and smoke suppression polyurethanewood plastic composites APP Fe203
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