
七氟烷三种不同全身麻醉诱导方式对剖宫产产妇及其新生儿的影响 被引量:9

Effects of three different methods of general anesthesia induction with sevoflurane on cesarean section and newborns
摘要 目的比较七氟烷3种不同全身麻醉诱导方式对剖宫产产妇及其新生儿的影响。方法选择2017年1_-7月在长江大学附属第一医院拟行气管内插管全身麻醉下剖宫产术的择期或急诊美国麻醉医师协会分级I~Ⅱ级的产妇90例,完全随机分为甲组、乙组和丙组,各30例。甲组诱导时嘱产妇以肺活量呼吸法尽量长时间深大呼吸8%七氟烷;乙组诱导时嘱产妇以潮气量呼吸法正常呼吸8%七氟烷;丙组诱导时嘱产妇常规逐步吸入法正常呼吸,以4%七氟烷起始,每3次呼吸后七氟烷浓度增加1%,直到睫毛反射消失。比较3组诱导前(T0)、插管前(T1)、插管即刻/手术开始时(T2)、胎儿娩出时(T3)各时点产妇平均动脉压(MAP)、心率、脑电双频指数(BIS),记录睫毛消失时间,开始诱导到气管内插管时间、术中出血量,以及新生儿血pH值和1min、5rainApgar评分。结果3组产妇T,~L时点MAP、BIS均明显低于‘r。时[甲组:(78±10)、(86±8)、(87±9)mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa)比(101±9)mmHg,(39.8±9.6)、(43.8±4.7)、(55.8±6.0)比(97.4±0.9);乙组:(77±11)、(87±10)、(89±9)mmHg比(102±10)mmHg,(38.3±6.7)、(47.3±6.5)、(53.7±4.3)比(98.1±1.1);丙组:(80±11)、(90±10)、(90±10)mmHg比(100±11)mmHg,(42.5±7.9)、(45.4±5.6)、(52.4±5.8)比(98.2±1.3)],甲组和乙组T1~T3时点心率均低于T0时[(83±10)、(91±11)、(92±13)次/min比(102±12)次/min;(85±9)、(90±9)、(89±10)次/min比(96±10)次/min],丙组T.时点心率低于.rn时[(88±9)次/rain比(96±9)次/min],差异均有统计学意义(均P〈0.05)。3组产妇同时点MAP、心率和BIS两两比较,差异均无统计学意义(均P〉0.05)。乙组和丙组睫毛反射消失时间及开始诱导至插管时间长于甲组[(95±7)、(118±9)S比(68±6)S;(2t1±10)、(259±15)S比(175±13)S],丙组睫毛反射消失时间及开始诱导至插管时间长于乙组,差异均有统计学意义(均P〈0.05)。3组产妇术中出血量比较,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。3组新生儿血pH值和1min、5rainApgar评分比较,差异均无统计学意义(均P〉0.05)。结论七氟烷吸入麻醉诱导对剖宫产全身麻醉快速、可靠、安全,且3种不同吸入诱导方式的有效性和安全性差异不大,但七氟烷8%怖活量呼吸法诱导时间最短。 Objective To analyze effects of 3 different methods of general anesthesia induction with sevoflurane on cesarean section and newborns. Methods Ninety pregnant women undergoing cesarean section with general anesthesia ( American Society of Anesthesiologists Ⅰ - Ⅱ ) in the First Affiliated Hospital of Yangtze University from January to July 2017 were randomly divided into group A, B and C, with 30 cases in each group. Group A was given 8% sevoflurane by vital breathing; group B was given 8% sevoflurane by tidal breathing; group C started with 4% sevoflurane by normal breathing, the inhalational concentration of sevoflurane was progressively increased by 1% in every 3 times of breathing until eyelash reflex disappeared. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) , heart rate(HR) and bispectral index (B1S) were recorded before induction ( TO ) , before intubation ( T1 ) , at beginning of operation ( T2 ) and during fetal disengagement ( T3 ). Eyelash reflex disappearance time, the time between induction and intubation, intraoperative blood loss amount, blood pH value of newborn, 1 and 5 min Apgar score were analyzed. Results MAP and BIS at T1-T3 were significantly lower than those at To in 3 groups ;group A:(78 ± 10) ,(86 ±8) ,(87±9)mmHg vs (101 ±9)mmHg,(39. 8±9. 6) ,(43.8 ±4. 7) ;(55.8 ±6.0) vs (97.4±0. 9) ; group B: (77 ± 11 ), (87±10), (89 ±9) mmHg vs ( 102 ±10) mmHg; (38. 3±6. 7), (47. 3±6. 5 ), ( 53.7±4. 3 ) vs (98. 1 ± 1.1 ) ; group C : ( 80± 11 ), (90± 10), (90 ± 10) mmHg vs ( 100±11 ) mmHg ; (42.5± 7.9), (45.4±5.6), (52. 4 ±5.8) vs (98. 2 ± 1.3) ] (P 〈0. 05). HR at T,-T3 was significantly lower than that at To in group A and B E ( 83 ± 10 ), ( 91 ± 11 ), ( 92 ± 13 ) times/min vs ( 102 ± 12 ) times/min ; ( 85 ± 9 ), ( 90± 9 ), ( 89 ±10 ) times/min vs ( 96 ± 10 ) times/min ] ( P 〈 0. 05 ) ; HR at T1 was significantly lower than that at To in group C I (88 ± 9 ) times/min vs ( 96 ± 9 ) times/rain ] ( P 〈 0. 05 ). MAP, HR and BIS showed no significant differences among 3 groups ( P 〉 0. 05 ). Eyelash reflex disappearance time and the time between induction and intubation in group B and C were significantly longer than those in group A[ (95±7) , (118±9)s vs (68± 6)s; ( 211± 10 ), ( 259 ± 15 ) s vs ( 175 ± 13 ) s ] ( P 〈 0. 05 ) ; eyelash reflex disappearance time and the time between induetion and intubation in group C were signifieantly longer than those in group B (P 〈 O. 05 ). There were no signifieant differences of intraoperative blood loss, blood pH value of newborn, 1 and 5 min Apgar score among 3 groups ( P 〉 0. 05 ). Conclusion Inhalational induction of anesthesia with sevoflurane is rapid, safe and reliable; using 8% sevoflurane by vital breathing can reach the shortest induction time.
出处 《中国医药》 2017年第12期1896-1899,共4页 China Medicine
关键词 剖宫产 七氟烷 吸入麻醉 Cesarean section Sevoflurane Inhalation anesthesia
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