

Multidimensional Zero-Correlation Linear Cryptanalysis on Midori128
摘要 为了评估轻量级分组密码算法Midori128的安全性,对Midori128算法进行了多维零相关线性分析。首先利用“中间相错”的方法构造了Midori128的6轮零相关线性逼近,然后基于所构造的6轮零相关线性逼近,对10轮Midori128进行了密钥恢复攻击。该攻击过程的数据复杂度约为2地。∞个明密文对,计算复杂度为2^120.68次10轮加密运算。结果表明,缩减至10轮的Midori128算法对于零相关线性分析方法是不免疫的。 In order to evaluate the security of the light-weight block cipher Midori128,we carry on a multidimensional zero correlation linear cryptanalysis on the Midori128 algorithm has carried on. By using the "miss-in-the-middle" technique, we construct 6-round zero-correlation linear approximations. Based on the 6-round distinguisher, key-recovery attack on 10- round Midori128 is performed. The data complexity is 2^123.02 plaintexts and the time complexity is 2^120.68 10-round encryptions. The testing result shows that the Midori128 reduced to 10-round is not immune to multidimensional zero-correlation linear analysis.
作者 程璐 魏悦川 牛向洲 CHENG Lu;WEI Yuechuan;NIU Xiangzhou(Postgraduate Brigade;Department of Electronic Technology, Engineering University of PAP, Xi'an 710086, China)
出处 《武警工程大学学报》 2017年第6期51-55,共5页 Journal of Engineering University of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force
关键词 分组密码 零相关线性分析 Midori密码 线性逼近 block cipher multidimensional zero-correlation linear eryptanalysis Midori ci- pher linear approximations
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