目的了解雅安市雨城区艾滋病流行病学特征,对2010–2016年雨城区HIV抗体检测结果进行分析,为分析预测艾滋病的发病与流行趋势,评价艾滋病预防控制效果,调整有关策略与防治措施提供依据。方法对2010–2016年雨城区疾病预防控制中心艾滋病筛查实验室筛查阳性,并经上级疾病预防控制中心实验室确证阳性的血清标本进行统计分析。结果 2010-2016年共检测各类人群血清标本15 894例,检出HIV抗体阳性标本204例。其中以医疗机构就诊者阳性检出数最多(90例),其余人群阳性检出率依次为感染者家属10.53%、自愿咨询检测5.35%、男性同性恋1.47%、羁押人员0.71%、暗娼0.21%和青年学生0.02%。结论雨城区艾滋病防治形式严峻,建议加强各类人群艾滋病检测与全人群艾滋病防治知识的宣传力度,遏制艾滋病从高危人群向普通人群的蔓延。
Objective To investigate the epidemiological characteristics of HIV/AIDS in rural areas of Yucheng District, analyze the status of HIV antibody detection from 2010 to 2016, and provide evidence for HIV/AIDS prevention and control. Methods The HIV/AIDS positive confirmed samples were analyzed from HIV/AIDS Laboratory during 2010 - 2016. Results There were 204 antibody positive HIV samples confirmed in 15 894 screening blood samples. The main positive cases were from hospital for 90 cases, and the other sources were 10. 53% from the family member of HIV positive people, 5.35% from voluntary consulting test, 1.47% from men who have sex with men, 0. 71% from detainees, O. 21% from female sex workers and 0. 02% from young students. Conclusion HIV/AIDS prevention and control is on grim situation in Yucheng District. It should be strengthened to improve the HIV testing among all population and public education for HIV/AIDS prevention and control knowledge, which could prevent the HIV/AIDS spreading from high - risk population to general population.
Journal of Preventive Medicine Information