
建设性并立:构建美韩同盟与中韩战略合作伙伴关系互动的新模式 被引量:3

Constructive Coexistence:Building a New Model of Dynamics between the US-ROK Alliance and the China-ROK Strategic Partnership
摘要 从1992年中韩建交至今,如何妥善和有效地处理美韩同盟与中韩伙伴关系之间的互动,一直是横亘在中美韩三国间最大的难题之一。尽管不少有识之士曾试图通过建构多边机制以容纳"同盟"与"伙伴",或是努力促成两者在区域安全、经济秩序分别主导的基础上并行不悖地发展;但这些方案最终或归入失败,或束之高阁。文章认为,文在寅时代,美韩同盟和中韩战略合作伙伴关系必须超越"安美经中"的界线,在对等基础上向对方主导的领域渗透,并通过深化中韩军事安全合作和加强美韩经济贸易联系,使美韩同盟与中韩关系达成互补性的"建设性并立"。中国应尝试通过建立中韩战略经济对话机制,推动中韩军事合作的实质性提升,吸引美国积极参与东北亚经济合作,防止中美韩之间矛盾的牵连扩散,并适度照顾到韩国的安全关切,来推动"建设性并立"模式的构建,使中美两大国能够以互补共赢而不是各自为政的方式,共同为朝鲜半岛乃至于东北亚区域秩序提供稳定的规范。 Since the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the Republic of Korea(ROK)in 1992,a key challenge facing China,the US and Korea has been the issue of how to effectively manage dynamics between the US-ROK alliance and the China-ROK Partnership.While a number of creative and forward-looking individuals have proposed the establishment of a multi-lateral structure that might accommodate both the"alliance"and the"partnership",or have worked to promote sustainable cooperation between them on the basis of regional security or economic structures,these efforts have ultimately faltered or otherwise been shelved.It is argued here that in the Moon Jae-in era that the US-ROK Alliance and the China-ROK Partnership must transcend the traditional division of labor which sees the US leading with respect to security,and China with respect to the economy.This will strengthen trade and economic ties between the US and the ROK,and deepen military security cooperation between China and the ROK,respectively,which will enable the US-ROK alliance and the ChinaROK partnership to develop complementarities to the point of achieving"constructive co-existence".China should try to establish a strategic economic dialogue with the ROK,and by advancing essential improvements in China-ROK military cooperation,attract active US participation in Northeast Asian economic cooperation,which can prevent the three states from becoming embroiled in protracted conflict.At the same time,China should give a certain level of attention to the ROK’s security concerns,which will help further advance the development of a new modality of"constructive coexistence"between the three states.In this way,the US and China will identify complementarities and space for win-win cooperation,rather than competing for their individual interests,and can work jointly towards establishment of norms that can provide stability to the Korean Peninsula or even to the whole of Northeast Asia.
作者 张弛
出处 《当代亚太》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第6期124-148,共25页 Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies
基金 上海市社科规划青年课题"文在寅时代美韩同盟与中韩战略合作伙伴关系‘建设性并立’的展望研究"(项目编号:2017EGJ001) 上海市"晨光计划"项目"朴槿惠时期韩国对华政策辩论与新型中韩关系建构研究"(项目编号:16CG67) 教育部2017~2018年度国别和区域研究课题"文在寅时期中韩战略关系重塑研究"的阶段性成果 上海政法学院高原学科的资助
关键词 美韩同盟 中韩战略合作伙伴关系 建设性并立 US-ROK Alliance China-ROK Strategic Cooperative Partnership Constructive Coexistence
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