

Analysis on Epidemiological Characteristics of Syphilis Cases in Gaoping District of Nanchong From 2005 to 2016
摘要 目的了解南充市高坪区2005-2016年梅毒病例的发病特点及流行特征,为制定当地的防治策略和措施提供政策依据。方法从中国疾病预防控制信息系统里下载2005-2016年数据,利用Excel 2007、SPSS 17.0软件对相关数据进行分析。结果 2005-2016年共报告梅毒发病数1 557例。辖区内所有乡镇均有病例分布,以白塔街道办最多,占19.33%(301/1 557),其次是龙门街道办占8.86%(138/1 557)。女性梅毒报告病例数明显高于男性,男性共报告675例,女性共报告882例,男女总数比为0.77∶1。年龄最小1 d,最大102岁,主要集中在20~49岁年龄组,占62.68%(976/1 557)。职业分布以农民为主,688例,占44.19%(688/1 557),其次是家政、家务及待业,284例,占18.24%(284/1 557)。结论高坪区梅毒报告病例数逐年增多,建议加强性病防治知识宣传,扩大监测,规范化诊断和治疗,有效控制梅毒疫情的上升。 Objective To understand the onset characteristics and epidemiology of syphilis cases in Gaoping District from 2005 to 2016, and provide a policy basis for the development of local control strategies and measures. Methods Data were downloaded from the Chinese disease prevention and control information system from 2005 to 2016, and the related data were analyzed by Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and SPSS 17.0. Results During the 2005 -2016 period, a total of 1 557 cases of syphilis were reported. All townships in the Gaoping District were involved, with the most cases reported in Baita Street E 19. 33% ( 301/1 557 ) ], followed secondly by Longmen Street [ 8.86% ( 138/1 557 ) ]. The number of female syphilis patients was significantly greater than that of male patients. There were 675 males and 882 females involved in the reports. The male/female ratio was 0. 77: 1. The patients' ages ranged between 1 day to 102 years; the 20 -49 years old group accounted for the most [ 62. 68% (976/1 557 ) ]. In terms of occupational distribution, peasants accounted for the most [44. 19% (688/1 557) ], followed by housekeeping personnel, household personnel and unemployed people [ 18.24% (284/1 557 ) ]. Conclusion The number of cases of syphilis increased year by year in Gaoping District; it is recommended to strengthen the prevention and treatment of STD knowledge, expand the monitoring and standardize diagnosis and treatment so as to effectively control the rising trend of syphilis epidemics.
出处 《寄生虫病与感染性疾病》 CAS 2017年第4期219-222,共4页 Parasitoses and Infectious Diseases
关键词 梅毒 流行特征 分析 syphilis epidemiological characteristics analysis
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