
塔里木河流域居民生态认知与支付行为空间异质性研究--基于上中下游2133个居民调查数据 被引量:7

Spatial heterogeneity of ecological cognition and payment decision behavior in the Tarim River Basin-Based on the survey data of 2133 residents
摘要 通过对塔里木河流域上、中、下游12个样本点2133个居民的调研,运用CVM理论结合Tobit模型,多因素视角从空间分析不同类型居民的生态认知与支付行为。研究发现:1)居民的生态认知、支付意愿与支付方式在空间呈现非均衡性和差异性,居民属性、收入、受教育程度、年龄等客观情况,以及对环境问题关注度、对政府工作的信心等主观意识是重要影响因素。2)下游居民的支付意愿平均较上、中游高20.19%、12.02%。其中,上中下游不同文化程度、经济水平、居住年限受访居民的支付意愿差值分别为9.22-21.77%、2.1-32.66%、36.08-39.47%。3)上游及部分城镇居民更愿意支付货币保护生态环境,下游及部分农村居民生产条件较差,经济收入水平相对较低,平均有66.01%受访者选择参加义务劳动保护生态环境。4)上中游居民收入水平与支付意愿正相关,下游却无显著关联,收入水平仅影响其支付方式。5)少数民族地区居民有强烈的家园情怀,即便文化程度和收入水平较低,但通过义务劳动保护环境的比重高达71.43%。研究结果表明:上中下游资源禀赋的差异、经济发展与对资源依赖方式的不同、生产生活区环境的敏感与脆弱程度的多样性及不同区域居民生态群体意识的差别,成为影响居民保护环境、拯救塔里木河危机的认知和决策在空间呈现异质性的主要因素。 According to the investigation of 12 sample points in the upper,middle and lower reaches of the Tarim River Basin,CVM theory combined with Tobit model was used to analyze ecology cognition of different types of residents and environmental behavior decision in multiple factors perspective.The investigation shows: The main reasons of the surveyed spatial residents’ ecological cognition,willingness to pay and payment method in Tarim River are residential property,residential environment evolution trend and status,living life and the change of environment perception differences.In upstream the resources are rich,the residents have no ecological consciousness,the cognition of ecological value is not enough,willingness to participate in environmental protection is not high.In the downstream the residents are more aware of environmental deterioration,with the rational cognition of ecological product’s well-being,the average willingness to pay is higher than the residents living in upper and middle reaches.Income level in the upper and middle reaches and willingness to pay are positively related,but there is no significant correlation in downstream; it only affect their payment methods.Residents living in minority area have a strong sense of home feelings and ecological ethics.Although the level of education and income levels are in "double low" state,but the choice to participate in voluntary labor protection of the environment is still as high as 71.43%.Research results show that the resources endowment difference in the middle and lower reaches,different ways of economic development and dependence on resources,the diversities of the sensitivity and fragile degree of environment in production and living area,and the differences of residents ’awareness of ecological community in different regions are the factors that influence the residents’ behaviors of protecting the environment,the cognition of saving the crisis of the Tarim river,and decision-making presenting heterogeneity in space.
作者 李青 薛珍
出处 《干旱区资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期14-21,共8页 Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2014BAC14B05) 湖北省高校联合基金项目(2013KF005) 塔里木大学开放性课题(2015KF001)资助
关键词 塔里木河流域 支付行为 生态价值认知 空间异质性 TOBIT模型 Tarim river basin payment decision behavior cognitive of ecological value spatial heterogeneity Tobit model
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