
一种用于大气超光谱探测的异型双H-V消偏器 被引量:5

An Allotype Double H-V Depolarizer for Hyperfine Spectrometer
摘要 高精度的大气探测光谱仪应用十分广泛,但是由于太阳发出的自然光与大气作用后所产生的(部分)偏振光会影响设备的探测精度,所以该类光谱仪通常需要去除入射光的偏振影响。论文针对大气超光谱成像探测设备的消偏需求,提出了一种新型的双H-V(horizontal-vertical)消偏器。由于晶体的双折射结构在光学原理上可以产生消偏效应,所以消偏器材料通常为双折射晶体,但是该结构同时又会产生双像,从而降低光谱仪的成像质量。针对此问题,结合该大气超光谱探测设备中空间维像元合并的特点提出了一种异型双H-V消偏器。它不同于传统双H-V消偏器中两子H-V楔角相等的结构,所提出的异型双H-V消偏器两个子H-V楔角不同,从而使其在光谱维及空间维对应不同的双像距,在满足退偏度要求的同时保证了成像质量,很好的解决了高消偏度与高成像质量之间的矛盾。论文详细阐述了消偏器的设计方案,并针对消偏效果与成像质量进行了分析,消偏器的退偏率优于98.8%,并且在空间方向双像所占像元数仅为合并像元的8.7%。 High precision atmospheric detection spectrometers are widely used ,because the sunlight would be polarized while passing the atmosphere and that could reduce detecting precision of the devices .There are many efforts on removing this influ-ence .An allotype double H-V(Horizontal-Vertical) depolarizer is proposed ,and it is equipped on hyperfine spectrometer used for atmosphere detecting in UV .Because the birefringence structure of crystals could eliminate the polarization ,they are always chosen for depolarizers .Essentially ,the birefringence of depolarizer can induce depolarization and double-imaging at the same time .The difference between traditional structure and the allotype is the inequality of the wedge angles of two sub H-Vs .There are different double-imaging distances in the spectrum dimension and the spatial dimension .So the contradiction between high-depolarization and high-imaging quality could be resolved .This paper will describe the design and analyzed the result .Depolari-zation is better than 98.8% and distance of the double-imaging is just 8.7% in the spatial dimension .
出处 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第12期3913-3919,共7页 Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61501361) 国家重点实验室开放基金项目(SKLST201509) 中国科学院重点实验室开放基金项目(LSIT201506) 中央高校科研业务费项目(JB160509)资助
关键词 光谱仪 偏振灵敏度 H-V消偏器 楔角 Spectrometer Polarization sensitivity H-V depolarizer Wedge angles
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