
Prey reduce risk-taking and abundance in the proximity of predators 被引量:3

Prey reduce risk-taking and abundance in the proximity of predators
摘要 Prey have evolved anti-predator defences that reduce or eliminate the risk of predation. Predators often reproduce at specific sites over many years causing permanent threats to local prey species. Such prey may respond by moving elsewhere thereby reducing local population abundance, or they may stay put and adjust their behavior to the presence of predators. We tested these predictions by analyzing population abundance and anti-predator behavior within 100 m of and 500 m away from nests of sparrowhawks Accipiter nisus and goshawks A. gentilis for 80 species of birds. Population abundance of prey was reduced by 11% near goshawk nests and by 15% near sparrowhawk nests when compared with nearby control sites in similar habitats. Flight initiation distance (FID) of prey, estimated as the distance at which birds took flight when approached by a human, increased by 50% in the presence of hawk nests, providing evidence of adjustment of anti-predator behavior to prevailing risks of predation. Susceptibility to predation was estimated as log transformed abundance of the observed number of prey items obtained from prey remains collected around nests minus log transformed expected number of prey according to point counts of breeding birds. FID increased from 10 to 46 m with increasing susceptibility of prey species to predation by the goshawk and from 12 to 15 m with increasing susceptibility of prey species to predation by the sparrowhawk. These findings suggest that prey adjust their distribution and anti-predator behavior to the risk of predation.
出处 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第6期591-598,共8页 动物学报(英文版)
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