围绕全面屏这一热点,智能手机企业2017年推出了一轮旗舰产品,在市场饱和甚至萎缩的背景下,全面屏成为拯救市场的明星。1973年4月3日,负责摩托罗拉无线领域研发的马丁·库帕(Martin Cooper)把一台笨重的摩托罗拉电话带到纽约曼哈顿街头,通过陆上通话线路给竞争对手贝尔实验室负责人乔伊·恩格尔(Joel Engel)打了个电话:"乔伊,我在用移动电话给你打电话哦,一款真正的手持便携式电话。"
With the hot topic of full screen in smart phone market, the companies launched the new flagship products, under the background of market saturation and even atrophy, full screen become a star to save the market. This September, Apple lunched the i Phone X as the the 10 th anniversary gift, full screen is more popular in global mobile phone market. Although earlier or later, Samsung, Xiaomi, OPPO, Huawei, vivo almost all smartphone brands at home and abroad have launched full screen products, full screen become the brand's flagship product standard in 2017.