农村女性在受教育机会、受教育层次与城镇女性存在着严重差距。以农村女性为研究对象,运用SW O T理论,分析农村女性职业教育的发展环境,并构建了SW O T矩阵模型,对其优势、劣势、机会和威胁进行相关策略分析,最后从师资团队建设、职业教育培训体系、思想解放以及划区施教四方面提出了发展农村女性职业教育的建议。
The educational opportunities and educational levels for women have a serious gap between rural areas and cities. With rural women as the research objects, using SWOT theory to analyze the development of the rural female vocational education environment, the paper builds the SWOT matrix model and analyzes relevant strategies for its strengths, weaknesses, Opportunities and threats. Finally, the development strategies of rural female vocational education are put forward from the teachers" team, the vocational education and training system, the thought liberation and blocks teach four aspects.
Vocational Education Research