
论我国金融申诉专员机构员工的匹配性 被引量:4

The Staff's Matching of Financial Ombudsman Institutions in China
摘要 员工的匹配是金融申诉专员机构充分发挥其职能的关键。我国金融申诉专员机构的人员现状与金融消费纠纷解决的需求不能匹配。这表现在以下三个方面:一是人员的自有率严重不足;二是业务管理人员不符合金融申诉专员机构业务长期发展的需要;三是一把手的业务能力不强。为解决员工不匹配的问题,需要从以下四个方面着手:一是从"兼职"模式过渡到"专职"模式,提高金融申诉专员机构员工的自给率;二是改善金融申诉专员机构员工的构成,提高其专业化水准;三是从符合专业条件的人员中选拨一把手;四是提高金融申诉专员机构员工的薪资水平。 The staff's matchi functions. The current situation ng is the key of the financial ombudsman institution to give full play to its of the staff of the financial ombudsman in China is not matched with the requirements of the financial consumer disputes resolutions. This is manifested in the following three aspects: First, the personnel's own rate is seriously insufficient; Second, the business managers do not meet the needs of the long-term development of the financial ombudsman's business; Third, the business ability of the principal official is not strong. In order to solve the problem of the staff' s mismatch, we need to start from the following four aspects: First, from "part - time" mode to "full - time" mode, to improve the self - sufficiency rate of financial ombudsman; The second is to improve the composition of the staff of the financial ombudsman, and to improve their professional standards; The third is to select the principal official from the personnel who meet the professional requirements; Fourth, improve the salary level of the staff of the financial ombudsman.
作者 岳金禄
出处 《浙江金融》 2017年第11期31-37,9,共8页 Zhejiang Finance
基金 上海财经大学2015年研究生创新基金项目<金融申诉专员制度研究>(项目批准号:CXJJ-2015-382)的阶段性成果
关键词 金融申诉专员 员工 匹配性 Financial Ombudsman Staff Matching
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