Chinese Medicine, being one of the most creative disciplines, with the superiority of its disciplinary theory and thinking pattern closely related to the studies of Sinology. Chinese Medicine has taken on its great aspect with good favorable prospects of timing, geographical and unity and coordination of human relationship, hence, the development of CM needs the recognition of its original advantage, making clear of its sources of original thought. The XIANG thought ( iconic thinking) is the basic connotation and basic fea- tures of traditional Chinese thinking. The imported western culture depresses the XIANG (iconic) thinking of original thought, and, as a result, conceptual thinking of scientism and western medicine became the ma- instream. Actually, conceptual thinking shouldn' t be rejected,whereas the original thinking and original su- periority characterized by our own nation should also be manifested. The knowledge, both oriental and occi- dental, are to be accepted simultaneously, while Chinese medicine and western medicine should be all mas- tered thoroughly and integrated as a whole so as to further proceed together.
Chinese Journal of Medical History
Chinese philosophy
Medical philosophy
Original thought pattern