
事实孤儿社会保护可行性研究和对策建议 被引量:3

Feasibility Study and Countermeasures on the Social Protection of De Facto Orphans
摘要 有一类儿童,他们原本依靠生活的本地户籍的父母一方或亡、或病、或残、或服刑,无法履行抚养子女的义务,而他们外地户籍的父母一方因改嫁、失踪、病残等原因也不履行抚养子女的法定义务。他们因为父母没有双亡,不是标准意义上的孤儿,但事实上却孤苦无依。他们未被纳入孤儿救助体系,但与孤儿相比,面临着同样甚至更加严峻的生存难题……他们被记者取名为"事实孤儿",常常成为社会关注的焦点。遗憾的是,对于"事实孤儿",始终缺乏国家层面的制度救济。本文拟通过研究孤儿定义的演变历史,分析事实孤儿形成原因,厘清事实孤儿的概念内涵和外延,并通过如东县民政部门的实践探索,总结事实孤儿社会保护的法律路径,为关心、关注困境未成年人社会保护工作的上级部门、立法机构、决策者提供借鉴参考。 De facto orphans are children with parents but with no one to raise them. The local parent of the de facto orphan is dead, sick, disabled or serving a sentence so that they can not fulfill the obligation of child-rearing, while the nonlocal parent, who remarries, or is missing, sick or disabled, is not willing to or can not fulfill their obligation, either. Therefore, though de facto orphans are not the typical orphans, they are as miserable as the typical orphans. They haven' 't been included into the social orphan assistance system, but they are faced with serious or even more serious survival challenges. Therefore, those so-called de facto orphans, named by journalists, have received lots of social attentions. However, devoid is the national level assistance system. This paper plans to study the evolution of the definition of "orphan" , analyzes formatives causes of the emergence of the de facto orphan and makes clear the connotation and denotation of this concept. Through the practice and explorations of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Rudong County, the paper concludes the legal path of offering social protections to de facto orphans, in order to provide references for parent departments, legislature and decision makers caring about social protection work of minors under plights.
作者 王健 肖长卿 WANG Jian;XIAO Changqing
出处 《社会政策研究》 2017年第5期136-144,共9页 Social Policy Research
关键词 事实孤儿 社会保护 困境儿童 儿童救助 De Facto Orphan, Social Protection, Children under Plights, Caring for Kids
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