目的了解广西数字化乳腺X射线摄影的剂量水平,探索影响数字化乳腺X射线摄影剂量水平的因素。方法选取广西4家医院的160例数字化乳腺X射线摄影受检者作为研究对象,收集受检者个人信息、摄影体位、乳房压迫厚度、曝光参数和乳腺平均剂量(AGD)等资料,采用方差分析及非参数检验进行数据分析。结果 160例数字化乳腺X射线摄影受检者中,乳房压迫厚度的平均值为42 mm,中位数为43 mm;AGD的平均值为2.0 m Gy,中位数为1.5m Gy。不同乳房压迫厚度的AGD有统计学差异(P<0.05),乳房压迫厚度越大,AGD越高。侧斜位(MLO)与头尾位(CC)AGD的平均值分别为1.99、2.01 m Gy,中位数分别为1.63、1.48 m Gy;体位对AGD没有统计学差异(F=0.685,P>0.05)。结论广西数字化乳腺受检者的AGD较高,乳房压迫厚度、靶滤过和摄影条件的选择对AGD有影响,建议在进行乳腺X射线摄影时,应考虑以上因素,把受检者的剂量控制尽可能低的水平。
Objective To investigate the dose level of direct digital mammography in Guangxi, explore the factors that influ- ence the image quality and dose in direct digital mammography. Methods A survey was carried out on 160 cases of marnmog- raphy exposure recorded from 4 medical facilities in Guangxi. The personal information, photography posture, breast compres- sion thickness, exposure parameters and the average breast dose (AGD) were collected. ANOVA and non -parametric test were used to analyse the data. Results The mean value of breast compression thickness in the collected 160 mammography parameters was 42 mm, median was 43 mm ,the mean value of AGD was 2.0 mGy , median was 1.5 mGy. Significant differ- ence exists in difference breast compression thickness of AGD (F = 20. 036 ,P 〈 0.05 ). Breast compression thickness increa- ses, the higher of AGD. The mean value AGD of MLO was 1.99 mGy, and the mean value AGD of CC was 2.0 mGy . No sig- nificant difference in the AGD data was found between the eraniocandal and mediolateral oblique ( F = 0. 685, P 〈 0.05 ). Con- clusion The value of AGD in Direct Digital Mammography of Guangxi was hight. Breast compression thickness,different an- ode/filter combinations and photography conditions have effect on AGD. For the consideration of the abore factors, the dose of the subjects shonld be controlled after the lowest possible leved.
LIANG Ting;XIE Ping;CHEN Zhang - fan;CHEN Fa - xiang;DONG Ying;WU Ying - yu.(Guangxi Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Naning 530028 China)
Chinese Journal of Radiological Health