
小儿血液病成分输血的临床探讨 被引量:2

Clinical Study of Blood Components Transfusion in Children with Haematological Diseases
摘要 目的探讨小儿血液病成分输血临床现状及特点。方法回顾性分析379例血液病患儿临床资料,内容包括输血指征、方法、效果判断标准等,统计患儿成分输血使用情况及不良反应发生率。结果 379例血液病患儿均顺利完成成分输血,其中输注红细胞所占比例(65.17%)、有效率(89.88%)均较高,而血液病患儿接受粒细胞输注后不良反应发生率最高(100.00%)。结论对血液病患儿给予成分输血可获得较为理想的有效性及安全性,有利于保障患儿生活质量及生命安全。 Objecrive To investigate the clinical status and ch a ra c te r is t ic s o f blo od components tran sfus ion in children with haematological diseases. Methods A to ta l o f 379 children w ith hema to log ica l diseases w e re r e tro sp e c t iv e ly ana lyzed in this study. The blood transfusion indications, methods, the effectiveness of judging criteria were investigated. The use of blood components transfusion in children and the incidence of adverse reactions were detected. R e s u l t s A l l su b je c ts su c c e s s fu l-ly completed the blood components transfusion. The infusion of red blood cells accounted the highest proportion (65. 17%).The effective rate of red blood cells infusion was the highest (89. 88%). The incidence of adverse events was the highest in children with hematological malignancies after granulocyte infusion (100. 00%) . Conclusion Blood components tran sfu s ion is effective and safe for children with hematological malignancies? which ensures the quality of life and life safety.
作者 侯淑萍
出处 《临床研究》 2018年第1期115-117,共3页 Clinical Research
关键词 小儿 血液病 成分输血 临床分析 pediatr ic blood d is e a s e blo od components t r an s fu s io n clinical an a ly sis
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