
基于关联规则探讨中医药治疗小儿急乳蛾的用药规律 被引量:1

Discussion on medication rule of TCM in treating of acute infantile tonsillitis based on association rules
摘要 目的对近20年来中医药治疗小儿急乳蛾相关文献的整理及数据分析,总结中医药治疗小儿急乳蛾的用药规律。方法通过检索中国学术期刊全文数据库、万方数据知识服务平台、中文科技期刊数据库,收集1997年至2017年已发表的中医药治疗小儿急乳蛾的临床研究文献,建立Microsoft Excel数据库。对药物功效分类、频次、性味归经等进行描述性统计;运用Weka 3.9数据挖掘软件,采用Apriori算法,对药味进行关联分析。结果中医药治疗小儿急乳蛾最常用的药物为清热药和解表药,并以清热解毒药及发散风热药为主,最常使用药物的性味归经分别是寒性,苦、甘和辛味,归肺经、胃经、肝经和心经。使用频次前10味中药依次为:甘草、连翘、金银花、桔梗、薄荷、黄芩、玄参、牛蒡子、板蓝根、射干。中医药治疗小儿急乳蛾常用的4个药对为射干和金银花、桔梗和甘草、荆芥和薄荷、薄荷和甘草,多从普济消毒饮及银翘散为基础方辨证论治。结论通过对小儿急乳蛾用药规律的总结,临床上治疗多以清热解毒、利咽消肿为主,并结合相关临床症状辨证用药。 Objective Based on collecting and summarizing related literatures in recent 20 years, we make a summary of the medication rule of TCM in treating of acute infantile, tonsillitis. Methods Through searching in Chinese Academic Periodical Full-text Database, Wanfang Data Knowledge Service Platform as well as Chinese Science and Technology Periodical Database, we collected the clinical research literatures of TCM in treating of a- cute infantile tonsillitis from 1997 to 2017 to set up Microsoft database. Then, we made descriptive statistics of drugs' classification of functions, frequency, and flavor as well as meridian tropism, use software of Weka 3.9 to make correlation analysis of herbal medicines in a prescription. Results The common Chinese medicine in treating acute infantile tonsillitis is the heat-~learing drugs and the exterior-releasing herbs. Among them, heat-clearing and detoxicating drugs as well as wind-heat dispersing drugs are the most common used and their flavor and meridian tropism are cold, bitter, sweet and acrid. The frequency of usage in the top rank position is Gancao( Liquorice), Li- anqiao ( Fructus Forsythiae), Jinyinhua ( Flos Lonicerae ) , Jiegeng ( Radix Platycodi ) , Bohe ( Herba Menthae Haplo- Calycis) , Huangqin ( Radix Scutellafi, ae Baicalensis ), Xuanshen ( Radix Scrophulariae ) , Niubangzi ( Fructus Arctii ), Banlangen (Radix Isatidis), Shegan (Rhizoma Belamcandae respectively). The most used in treating of acute infan- tile tonsillitis is Rhizoma Belamcandae and Flos Lonicerae, Radix Platycodi and Liquorice, Herba Schizonepetae Tenuifoliae and Herba Menthae Haplocalycis, Herba Menthae Haplocalycis and Liquorice. These herbs usually used in Puji Xiaodu Decoction and Yinqtao San for treatment. Conclusion Through summary of the medication rule of TCM in treating of acute infantile tojasillitis, it is found that the clearing away heat and toxic materials therapy as well as the relieving sore-throat and Swollen therapy are the main methods which should be applied based on the dif- ferential diagnosis of clinical symptoms.
作者 陈瑶 刘建忠 黄梦雪 CHEN Yaot;LIU Jianzhong;HUANG Mengxue(College of Clinical Medicine, Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Wuhan, Hubei ,430065, China;Department of Pediatrics, TCM Hospital of Hubei Province, Wuhan, Hubei ,430065, China;The office of Research Institute of TCM in Hubei Province, Wuhan, Hubei, 430065, China)
出处 《中医儿科杂志》 2017年第6期77-83,共7页 Journal of Pediatrics of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 中医药 小儿急乳蛾 关联规则 用药规律 TCM acute infantile tonsillitis correlation medication rule
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