International Communications
1Kevin Rudd, Leading, Not Following: The Renewal of Australian Middle Power Diplomacy, An Address to the Sydney Institute, 16 September, 2006, http ://eherald. alp. org. att/download/now/rudd_ middle_power_diplomacy, pdf.
2Michelle Grattan, " Australia to speak up in the world, says PM, Rudd ready for global connection", The Age ( Melbourne, Australia), March 27, 2008.
3Carl Ungerer, "The ' Middle Power' Concept in Australian Foreign Policy", Australian Journal of Politics and History, Vol. 53:4, 2007, pp. 538-551.
4Gareth Evans and Bruce Grant, Australia's Foreign Relations in the World of the 1990s, Melbourne University Press, 1991, pp. 344 - 348.
5Andrew Cooper, Richard Higgott and Richard Nossal, Relocating Middle Powers: Australia and Canada in a Changing World Order, Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1993, pp. 141 - 170.
6Wiki-media Foundation网站: http://en, wikipedia, org/wiki/Middle power.
7Elaine Campaner, Middle Power Diplomacy: Advancing Australia's Interests, Webdiary Pty Ltd, Mar. 26, 2008, http ://webdiary. com. au/cms/? q = node/2318.
8Kevin Rudd, Leading, Not Following: The Renewal of Australian Middle Power Diplomacy, An address to the Sydney Institute.
9Kevin Rudd, "Address to the East Asia Forum in Conjunction with the Australian National University, Advancing Australia's Global and Regional Economic Interests" , Mar. 26, 2008, http ://www. pm. gov. au/media/Speech/2008/speech_0145, cfm.
10Kevin Rudd, Leading, Not Following: The Renewal of Australian Middle Power Diplomacy, An Address to the Sydney Institute.
1胡欣.澳大利亚的战略利益观与“中国威胁论”——解读澳大利亚2009年度国防白皮书[J].外交评论(外交学院学报),2009,26(5):124-133. 被引量:10
2喻常森.澳大利亚对中国崛起的认知与反应[J].当代亚太,2010(4):128-142. 被引量:10
3王光厚.澳大利亚的南海政策解析[J].东南亚研究,2011(6):10-15. 被引量:11
4袁野,王光厚.浅析澳大利亚在南海地区的战略利益[J].海南师范大学学报(社会科学版),2013,26(5):106-111. 被引量:2
5杨小辉.“中等强国”澳大利亚的海军政策与实力及其对中国的影响[J].上海交通大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2013,21(4):34-47. 被引量:7
6王光厚.浅析澳大利亚的东盟政策[J].国际论坛,2013,15(5):20-24. 被引量:2
7刘新华.澳大利亚海洋安全战略研究[J].国际安全研究,2015,33(2):119-138. 被引量:7
8鲁鹏.在理想与现实之间——从澳大利亚外交战略看澳大利亚南海政策[J].亚非纵横,2015,0(4):11-26. 被引量:11
9崔越,牛仲君.“二战”后澳大利亚的中等强国认同:跨越党派的共识[J].太平洋学报,2015,23(10):37-48. 被引量:10
10凌胜利.韩国中等强国外交的效果为何有限?[J].太平洋学报,2016,24(2):38-45. 被引量:10