According to the space conservation principle,the mined-out space can be translated into new added underground water-bearing( permeable) space and surface subsidence space. The binary struct of superimposed fissure zone and caving zone has constituted mine underground water-bearing system; therein groundwater elastic release and gravity release are the mine water inrush initial,direct source and essential component. The space of the system is a new discharge( catchment) area of primary groundwater system,and taking the area as the center formed groundwater flow system. With the working face closing,groundwater level( pressure) is picking up; mine groundwater system and primary groundwater system ceaselessly superimposing and coupling till the mine closed,thus have formed a new regional groundwater system. Mine groundwater system as a local groundwater system,its anisotropy and flow line refraction pattern have provided hydrodynamic conditions for mine water pollution dispersing. The mine groundwater system characteristics have decided the impacts from working face succeeding orientation on mine water inflow.
Coal Geology of China