
学前教育专业公费定向师范生培养改革构想——基于发展适宜性实践理论的视阈 被引量:2

The conception of Reform to the Training of Free-Charged Rural-Orientedness Preschool Teachers from the Perspective of Developmentally Appropriate Practice
摘要 针对湖南省农村幼儿教师紧缺的现实情况,湖南省于2009年启动了学前教育专业公费定向师范生培养工作。长沙师范学院作为湖南省学前教育专业公费定向师范生培养的主阵地,为全省各县区农村输送了大量的优秀幼儿教师,但在人才培养过程中仍存在面向农村服务的指向不明确等问题。根据美国发展适宜性实践理论适宜于年龄、适宜于个体、适宜于文化的核心理念,提出了对学前教育专业公费定向师范生培养模式改革的构想。 Hunan province started the program for free-charged rural-orientedness preschool teachers in 2009 based on the the reality of the shortage of preschool teachers in rural areas. Changsha Normal University conveyed a large number of excellent preschool teachers for the different counties and districts since it take the leading role in the cultivation of free-charged rural-orientedness preschool teachers, but there are problems still exist, such as ttle aim of training teachers for rural areas. According to the Developmentally Appropriate Practice, free-charged rural-ori- entedness preschool teachers should be age appropriate, individual appropriate and culture appropriate, the concep- tion of the reform of trainin~ mnrlo fr~ h..1 U
作者 陈瑶 禹建柏 CHEN Yao;YU Jian-bai(Changsha Normal University, Changsha 410100, China)
出处 《集美大学学报(教育科学版)》 2017年第6期14-18,共5页 Journal of Jimei University:Education Science Edition
基金 湖南省教育厅科学研究项目"美国‘幼儿教师教育与补偿项目’发展演变及启示研究"(16C0115)
关键词 发展适宜性实践 学前教育专业 公费定向 教师教育 Developmentally Appropriate Practice preschool education free-charged rural-orientedness teach-ers education
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