

Effect of health education for discharged patients in department of orthopedics by telephone visit
摘要 目的:探讨电话回访模式对前臂骨折出院患者开展健康教育,对患者病情痊愈周期和满意度的影响。方法:利用本院回访中心平台,通过专业性方案进行阶段性电话随访,对前臂骨折病例出院患者进行健康教育,促进骨折患者正确功能锻炼和早期愈合。结果:2015年1月~2017年6月回访前臂骨折病例102例,所有患者均完全康复,恢复周期为7~11周,较常规恢复周期缩短2~5周,并增强患者自我保健能力,提高生活质量,增加满意率。结论:开展骨科健康教育符合现代护理观的发展,对指导骨科出院患者的相关疾病功能锻炼方法、治疗和检查相关知识、用药知识、护理等很有帮助,能促进疾病功能康复和预防并发症的发生。同时提高了患者及家属满意度和信任度,同时也缩短医院住院周期,降低患者医疗费用。 Objective:To explore the effect of telephone interview mode on health education for discharged forearm fracture patients in Department of orthopedics and the recovery cycle and satisfaction degree of patients. Methods: The telephone interview with health education by professional program were performed to learn the recovery condition of forearm fracture patients, to give professional comments for function exercise only to early fracture healing. Results: From January 2015 to June 2017,102 forearm fracture cases fully recovered were enrolled in this study. Compared patients with the conventional recovery cycle, All patients received telephone interview has recovery period of 7 weeks to 11 weeks, which is shortened 2~5 weeks than conventional group. Meanwhile, self-care ability of patients were enhanced, the quality of life were improved and the satisfaction rate to hospital were increase. Conclusion: The Department of orthopedics health education can promote the function of disease rehabilitation and prevention of complications. At the same time, it can improve the satisfaction and trust of patients and their families, and shorten the hospitalization period and reduce the medical expenses of patients.
出处 《中国研究型医院》 2017年第6期33-36,共4页 Chinese Research Hospitals
关键词 骨科 健康教育 功能康复 Department of Orthopedics Health education Functional rehabilitation
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