
中国文学研究40年思潮 被引量:6

Forty Years of Trend in Chinese Literary Studies
摘要 改革开放40年来,中国文学研究方向明确,取得了多方面的成绩。首先,在文学理论热点方面,马克思主义文艺学和美学理论研究仍居指导地位,西方马克思主义文艺理论研究成为近年研究的热点,文学理论基础问题的研究有所增强,跨学科研究逐渐兴起。其次,在当代文学思潮方面:学界围绕当代文学创作展开了许多相关理论问题的研讨,有针对性的文学批评工作日益活跃,学界开始总结探索中国当代文学经验,新兴媒介所引发的许多新文学的现象受到关注。再次,在文学史及文学史料研究方面:纵向的历时性研究持续升温并引发"细读文本、重回经典"的学术思潮,横向的共时性研究成果丰硕,学界开始关注多民族文学、民间文学、台港澳暨海外华文文学,综合文献研究以系统整理史料工作为主,引发了一系列新的研究课题。最后,在文学普及工作方面,选编历代文学经典作品是现阶段正在进行的主要工作。回顾过去的学术研究工作,在坚持为人民做学问的前提下,学术工作者达成如下共识:第一,坚持学术研究的原创性与时代性;第二,坚持学术研究的系统性与专业性;第三,坚持学术研究的继承性和民族性。 This paper reviews the general trend of Chinese literary studies,the achievements and the problems that need to be solved in the past four decades in four aspects: hot issues of literary theories,contemporary literary trend of thoughts,studies on literature history and literary historical data,and popularization of literature. First of all,in the hot issues of literary theories: research on Marxist literature and aesthetics is still dominant. The western Marxist theory of literature and art has become a hot topic in recent years,the study of the basis of literary theory has been enhanced,and interdisciplinary research is on the rise. Secondly,in the contemporary literary trend of thoughts: The academic circles have carried out many discussions about literary theories on contemporary literary creation,targeted literary theoretical research and literary criticism have gradually developed,the academic community began to sum up the exploration of contemporary Chinese literature experience,many new literary phenomena caused by the new media have been paid attention to. Thirdly,in the studies on literature history and literary historical data: the vertical diachronic research has a long history and has led to the"return to the classic"academic thought,the study of horizontal synchronic is fruitful,academics began to pay attention to national literature,folk literature,Chinese literature in Hongkong,Taiwan and overseas,comprehensive literature research is mainly based on systematic arrangement of historical materials which leads to a series of new research topics. Finally,in the popularization of literature,the selection of classical works of ancient literature is the main work that is being carried out at this stage.In reviewing our academic work,scholars have reached a consensus on the premise of learning for the people: First,adhere to the originality and times of academic research; second,adhere to the systematicness and professionalism of academic research; Third,adhere to the inheritance and nationality of academic research.
作者 刘跃进
出处 《武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期28-42,共15页 Wuhan University Journal:Philosophy & Social Science
关键词 文学理论热点 当代文学思潮 文学史 文学史料研究 文学普及 hot issues of literary theories contemporary literary trend of thoughts studies on literature his-tory and literary historical data popularization of literature
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