

The Historical Experiences of the Governance over the Party in Xibaipo Period
摘要 西柏坡时期,为应对历史转折时期错综复杂的局势和环境变化,迎接中国革命新高潮,中国共产党紧密结合战争、土改、整党、城市接管、统一战线等中心工作,通过建立请示报告制度、开展反无纪律无政府状态斗争、健全党委制以及开展"两个务必""赶考"历史警示等重大举措,努力锻造有纪律、有科学理论武装、采取科学民主方法、密切联系群众的党,在管党治党与推动历史进程相结合、制度治党与思想建党相结合、从严治党与发扬民主相结合,以及培育革命精神与理想信念教育相结合等方面,为新的历史时期中国共产党管党治党、全面从严治党积累了宝贵经验。 During the Xibaipo period, the CPC made every effort to forge a party with disciplined and scientific theories, scientific and democratic methods, and close contact with the masses, throughestablishing a system of reporting impeachments, carrying out the anti-discipline and anarchy strug-"gle, perfecting the Party committee system and carrying out historical warnings on "two musts"and censoring". All above accumulated valuable experiencein ensuring full and strict governance over theParty in the new historical period.
作者 姚志军
出处 《中国高校社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期97-104,158,共8页 Social Sciences in Chinese Higher Education Institutions
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"西柏坡时期人民主体地位建构及当代价值研究"(16JJD770050)阶段性成果
关键词 管党治党 请示报告制度 反无纪律无政府状态斗争 健全党委制 革命精神 governance over the Party report system struggle with anti-discipline and anarchy improve the Party committee system revolutionary spirit
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