目的观察改进后Vitalstim电针治疗抑郁障碍的临床疗效及不良反应。方法治疗组40例,给予基础的常规药物对症处理,同时加用改进的Vitalstim电针仪进行配合治疗;对照组40例,仅进行基础常规药物治疗。2组均治疗1次/d,其中6d为1个小疗程,再休息1d后继续进行第2个小疗程,连续治疗3个小疗程后为总疗程。根据汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)的减分率评判2组患者的总体临床疗效,在总疗程治疗前后根据患者神经功能缺损程度评分标准中的生存生活质量评价量表(SF-36)指标,测评其临床生存生活质量,以不良反应指标的分级评定方法来评价其安全性。结果 2组在总疗程的治疗后均有效(P<0.05),其中生理功能、精神健康、情感职能、社会功能、总体健康指标方面的评分比较均改善(P<0.05),但总疗程后治疗组比对照组的总有效率更高,各项指标改善更优(P<0.05),不良反应更小(P<0.05)。结论基础常规药物配合应用改进的Vitalstim电针联合治疗抑郁障碍的总体临床疗效更好,不良反应小,其更有效地改善患者的生活质量,非药物疗法的配合值得进一步研究和推广。
Objective To observe the clinical effect of Vitalstim modified by electroacupuncture in the treatment of depres-sion .Methods 80 cases of depression patients were randomly divided into 2 groups ,treatment group (n=40) and control group (n=40) .Treatment group was treated with conventional drugs combined with symptomatic modified Vitalstim electric acupunc-ture apparatus ;Control group was treated with routine drug therapy .The treatment group and control group were treated 1 times /day ,6 days for a course .The therapy course was repeated three times with a one-day rest .The clinical efficacy was evaluated by Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD) reduction rate ,before and after the total course of treatment .The clinical survival life quality was assessed by using neurological function defect score standard of living quality evaluation of the volume table (SF-36) index . We also evaluated the safety by using the grading method of adverse reaction index .Results The treatment in the two groups was effective (P〈 0.05) ,the physiological function ,mental health ,emotional function ,social function ,and general health indicators were improved (P〈0.05) ,but the treatment group showed higher total effective rate and less adverse reactions (P〈0.05) .Con-clusion Application of modified Vitalstim electro acupuncture combined with basic conventional drug has better clinical efficacy , can effectively improve the survival and quality of life of patients ,it is worthy of further research and promotion .
Chinese Journal of Practical Nervous Diseases