采用溶胶凝胶法合成La_(1-x)AlO_3:xRE(RE=Dy^(3+),Ho^(3+),Er^(3+))荧光粉,对样品进行X射线粉末衍射(XRD)、透射电镜(TEM)以及荧光光谱(PL)等表征,探讨稀土离子的掺杂浓度对样品发光性能的影响。研究结果表明,合成的样品为三方晶体结构。在λex=354nm光激发下,Dy^(3+)位于482nm和576nm处的两个发射尖峰,分别归属于4F9/2→6 H15/2和4F9/2→6 H13/2的能级跃迁;在λex=454nm光激发下,Ho^(3+)位于545nm处的发射峰,归属于(5S2,5F4)→5I8的能级跃迁;而在λex=381nm光激发下,Er^(3+)在535nm和549nm的两个尖锐峰,分别归属于2 H11/2→4I15/2和4S3/2→4I15/2的能级跃迁。在合成的样品中,Dy^(3+)的最佳掺杂浓度为x=0.01,荧光体发射白光,Ho^(3+)与Er^(3+)的最佳掺杂浓度均为x=0.015,荧光体均发射绿光。
A series of phosphors Lai-xAl〇3 : o:R E (R E = D y 3 , H o 3 ,E r 3 ) w esol-gel method. Techniques such as X-ray powder diffraction (XRD),transmission electron microsco-py (TEM) and photoluminescence spectra (PL) were used to characterize the phosphors. The results showed that the synthesized samples were pure phase with trigonal crystal structure. Under 354 nm light excitation,LaAl〇3: Dy3 samples give emissions at 482 nm and 576 nm,which cor respond to 4F9.2 -6H15.2and 4F9.2-6H13.2transition,re s pe c t iv ely,and can be comb in e d aswhi te l ight . Un d e r 454 nm light excitation, LaAl〇3 : Ho3 samp le s emi t green l ight at 545 nm,which belong to the (5 S2,5 F4 ) -51 transition. And LaAl〇3 : Er 3 samp le s emi t green l ights at 535 nm (2HU .2-4115.2 ) and 549 nm (4 S3 2 to 415.2 ) under 381 nm light excitation. The optimal doping concentrHo3 or Er3 in the synthesized samples was x = 0.01 and x = 0.01 5 , re s p e c t iv e ly .
Journal of Guangxi Teachers Education University(Natural Science Edition)