
以选人用人正确导向净化党内政治生态 被引量:2

To Purify the Inner-party Political Ecology with Correct Orientation of Selecting and Employing People
摘要 选人用人之风是政治生态的重要组成部分,良好的政治生态要从选人用人抓起。深入推进全面从严治党,营造风清气正的政治生态,是马克思主义政党的本质要求。正确的选人用人导向是净化党内政治生态的强力引擎和内生动力。党的十八大以来,党中央坚持正确的选人用人导向,不断探索完善选人用人的制度机制,使选人用人的制度机制更加科学,权力责任更加明晰,沉疴痼疾得到缓解,综合效应显著。进一步完善选人用人导向机制,需要规范干部选任动议环节的程序和要求;提高考察工作的广度和深度;采取切实措施缓解基层干部老化趋势;加快建立对干部的容错纠错机制和多元正向激励机制。 The style of selecting and employing people is an important part of political ecology. A good political ecology should begin with the selection and use of people. It is the essential requirement of Marxist political parties to further promote the strict administration of the party in an all-round way and create a clean and honest political ecology. The correct selection and employment orientation is a powerful engine and endogenous driving force to purify the political ecology within the party. Since the 18 th CPC National Congress,the Party Central Committee has persisted in the correct selection and employment orientation and constantly explored ways to improve the system of selecting and employing people,so that the institutional mechanisms for the selection and employment of personnel become more scientific and the powers and responsibilities more clear,and the political illness has been relieved. To further improve the selection and employment orientation mechanism,it is necessary to standardize the procedures and requirements for the election of cadres in the motion phase; to increase the breadth and depth of the inspection work; to take practical measures to alleviate the aging trend of grassroots cadres; to speed up the establishment of a mechanism for fault tolerance and error correction and multiple positive incentives.
作者 靳磊
机构地区 中共郑州市委
出处 《中州学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第12期26-30,共5页 Academic Journal of Zhongzhou
关键词 干部 选人用人导向 党内政治生态 cadres orientation of selecting and employing people political ecology within the party
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