Concerning redelivery date,Article 143 of Maritime Code of the People's Repbulic of China does not cover some key questions and still has some shortcomings. Learning from the maritime law of UK,we should provide for the allowance of duration of time charter and clearly stipulate for the duty of charters to give notice of a legitimate last voyage and redeliver the ship at the end of the charter period. In the case of early redelivery,the measure of damages is the difference between the hire which would have been earned until contractual redelivery,considering the effect of contingency after breach on the duration of original time charter,and the hire which was in fact earned,based on the reasonable act of shipowner to mitigate his loss. For late redelivery,the measure of damages is the difference between the charter hire and market hire,which is the hire ruling on the market for time charters of a length similar to the breached time charter,and any additional loss of the shipowner shall not be included.
Chinese Journal of Maritime Law
time charter
redelivery date
last voyage
early redelivery
late redelivery