

Stylistic Feature,Applied Function and Cultural Value of Zhang-Ci of the Ming Dynasty
摘要 明代中期以后的帐词,是一种应用广泛的文体。这种文体由词题、四六文、词作、词调构成,其中四六文的确切指称应是致语,与宋代以来盛行的致语文体特征一致。帐词中的致语主铺陈事迹,词作是对致语不避重复的诗意补充。今存帐词题材主要有升官、获奖、建功、入觐、祝寿等。帐词的盛行与明初礼法并重的政策有关,又与帐词本身特别适合称颂的文体优势有关。帐词处于文学的边缘,文学价值不高,但它是祝颂文化盛行后的产品,其文化价值则较高,主要体现在三个方面:祝颂心理的期待与满足、君子赠人以言的衡量尺度、风俗醇厚的推扬与激励。 As a literary form,Zhang-Ci is widely used. It comprises topic,siliu prose,ci-poetry and melody and prevailed in the middle and later periods of the Ming Dynasty. The standard name of siliu prose is Zhiyu; it possesses the same stylistic feature of Zhiyu which has been prevalent since the Song Dynasty. The function of Zhiyu is to elaborate on the story in Zhang-Ci,and the ci-poetry is a poetic supplement for the Zhiyu; they can have some repetition in a certain extent.Getting promotions,winning prizes,making contributions,having an audience with the emperor,and offering birthday congratulations are the themes of Zhang-Ci which are in existence today. The prevalence of Zhang-Ci is related to the policy of equivalent importance of law and ceremony at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty; it is also related to the style superiority of suitability for eulogy. Hanging on the margins of literature,Zhang-Ci does no have much literary value. However,it was a product after the Greeting Culture became prevalent,so we can't ignore its cultural value,which is mainly embodied in three aspects: expectation and satisfaction of greeting mentality,the yardstick of ‘all a gentleman can give you is his words',development and motivation of unsophisticated customs.
作者 刘荣平
机构地区 厦门大学中文系
出处 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第6期111-118,共8页 Journal of Xiamen University(A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金一般项目"词学理论的还原与重构研究"(14BZW011)
关键词 帐词 致语 应用文体 祝颂文化 Zhang-Ci, Zhiyu, practical writing, Greeting Culture








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