For the solonchak has drought, flood, salty and poor character in inland irrigation district of Hexi, The principle of acid base neutralization, ion exchange principle and soil structure improvement were adopted to compound solonchak amending fertilizer by salt soil conditioner, the organic carbon fertilizer and sweet sorghum special fertilizer, After field tests, the evaluate was given to the economic benefits on seed production of sweet sorghum of solonchak amending fertilizer. The results shown that: The weight ratio of solonchak amending fertil- izer was : salt soil conditioner 0. 450 0, the organic carbon 0. 450 0, sweet sorghum special fertilizer 0. 100 0. The application amount was positively correlated with agronomic trait, economic trait and yield. After statistical regression, The suitable application amount was 23.75 t/hm^2, Theoretical yield of seed production of sweet sor- ghum was 2. 76 t/hm^2. Compared Furfural compound fertilizer and traditional fertilizer, the plant height , stem diameter, tops dry weight , root dry weight, The grain number, grain weight and 100 grain weight and yield increased6.39% ,5.87% ,5.26% ,4. 19% ,6. 38% ,4. 17% ,4. 42% and 7.72%. Unit yield inceement, fertilization profits and investment efficiency increased 5 250. 00 yuan/hm^2 ,4 107.80yuart/hm^2 and 0. 42 yuan/yuan.
China Beet & Sugar
Solonchak amending fertilizer
Sweet sorghum
Economic benefits