
多潘立酮联合用药治疗胆汁反流性胃炎的疗效观察 被引量:8

Clinlcal curative effect of domperidone and hydrrotalcitc in treatment of bile reflux gastritis
摘要 目的探讨多潘立酮联合其他药物用于治疗胆汁反流性胃炎的临床效果。方法回顾性统计分析2013年1月~2015年12月收治的60例胆汁反流性胃炎患者临床资料,60例患者均为随机抽样方式选取,分为观察组30例和对照组30例。两组患者均使用多潘立酮进行治疗,在此基础上观察组联用铝碳酸镁配合治疗。治疗后统计评估比较两组患者临床有效率以及治疗后24 h胆汁反流情况。结果多潘立酮联合铝碳酸镁药物治疗的观察组患者,治疗后24 h胆汁指标检测水平、临床综合有效率均显著优于多潘立酮药物单独治疗的对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论多潘立酮联合铝碳酸镁用于治疗胆汁反流性胃炎患者,其临床效果显著,安全性高。 Objective To obscrvc the effect of Domperidone Tablets combined with hydrotalcitc in treating bile reflux gastritis. Methods In our hospitalfrom December to 2015 were studied in 2013 January were treated 60 cases of bile reflux gastritis patients. According to different treatment options, divided intotwo groups.After treatment, the clinical efficiency of the 2 groups and the bile reflux after treatment were compared between the two groups by 24h. Results The24 h index levels of bile and the effective rate of treatment group treatment were better than those of control group( P 〈0.05) .Conclusion Domperidone Tabletsand hydrotalite in Treating Bile Reflux Gastritis had obvious effect, high safety.
出处 《中国处方药》 2018年第1期52-53,共2页 Journal of China Prescription Drug
关键词 多潘立酮 铝碳酸镁 胆汁反流性胃炎 Domperidone Hydrotalcite Bile reflux gastritis
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