

The Analysis of Running Red Light Factor Based on Survival Function
摘要 行人与非机动车闯红灯的行为屡见不鲜,闯红灯是平交十字路口交通安全的一大隐患。导致行人与非机动车闯红灯行为的因素是多重的,既有各种交通参与者内部的因素,也有信号配时不合理、缺乏管理等外部的因素。本文以缙云县为例,对行人、非机动车、机动车三者闯红灯比较,通过生存分析中的非参数方法建立等待时间的生存函数模型,分析闯红灯相关影响因素,并依此提出改善意见。 Pedestrian and non-motor vehicles running red light is not uncommon, and running a red light is a major hidden danger of traffic safety. The factors that cause pedestrians and non-motor vehicles to run the red light are multiple factors, which have the internal factors of various traffic participants, and the unreasonable and lack of management and other external factors. Taking Jinyun County as an example, through the pedestrians, non-motor vehicles and motor vehicle running a red light, through the analysis of the survival of the nonparametric method to establish the survival function model of waiting time, this article analyzes influencing factors of running red light, and accordingly puts forward improvement opinion.
作者 刘凯峰 周妍
出处 《辽宁警察学院学报》 2018年第1期65-71,共7页 Journal of Liaoning Police College
关键词 行人 非机动车 机动车 闯红灯 生存函数 pedestrians non-motor vehicle motor vehicle running a red light survival function
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