
生产要素配置视角下拉丁美洲的结构性发展困境——兼论中拉产能合作的对策建议 被引量:1

Latin America's Structural Development Dilemma from a Perspective of Production Factoral Location:Suggestions on the Sino-Latin American Cooperation
摘要 从生产层面上讲,拉丁美洲地区的长期发展悖论实质上是一种要素与结构的配置失衡问题,这集中反映在低效的生产能力、低密集度的技能水平,以及单一的经贸结构三个维度。追根溯源,这些特质可从五个维度进行阐释:结构性调整失当产生的"去工业化"问题;资源丰裕型经济对制造业的"挤出";研发与创新能力基础薄弱;劳动要素部门间的有序转移受阻;基础设施要素的系统性缺失。鉴于此,拉美国家亟待构建内生发展动力,并制定高效合理的产业政策,在这一背景下,我国近年来逐步深化的中拉产能合作机制正在成为拉美实现这一目标的有效外部助力,而基础设施领域便是其中的核心着眼点。 In view of production,the paradox of long-term development in Lain America is essentially a component factor and a structural misallocation problem.This is represented in three dimensions of low efficiency of productivity,low technological intensity,and single trade structure.These characters can essentially be explained from five aspects:the deindustrialization generated by an improper structural adjustment,the "crowd out" effect of resource-rich economy;the weak foundation of R&D and innovation capability,the orderly transfer of labor factor being hindered,and systematic lack of infrastructure construction.Based on the above,Latin American countries need to build their respective endogenous development capacity,and design an efficient and reasonable industrial policy.In this contextual process,the China-Latin America bilateral industrial cooperation mechanisms are now becoming an effective external support especially for the latter to achieve the goal.
作者 芦思姮
出处 《战略决策研究》 2018年第1期40-59,共20页 Journal of Strategy and Decision-Making
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(第一批)"中拉关系及对拉战略研究"(ZDA067)
关键词 拉丁美洲 生产结构多元化 “中等收入陷阱” 内生动力 中拉产能合作 Latin America diversification of production structure middle income trap endogenous capacity the Sino-Latin American industrial cooperation
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  • 1CEPAL, America Latina y el Caribe: Series Historicas de Estadisticas Economicas 1950 - 2008, 2009.
  • 2CEPAL, Anuario Estadistico de America Latina y el Cari- be, 2010.
  • 3CEPAL, America Latina: Opciones para Reducir el Peso de la Deuda, 1990.
  • 4Fernando Fajnzylber, La Industrializacion Trunca de America Latina, Editorial Nueva Imagen, Mexico - Caracas - Buenos Aires, 1983.
  • 5Jorge Katz, "Cambios Estructurales y Productividad en la Industria Latinoamericana", Revista de la CEPAL, No. 71, Agosto de 2000.
  • 6Wilson Suzigan y Joao Furtado, " Politica Industrial y Desarrollo", Revista de la CEPAL, No. 89, Agosto de 2006.
  • 7[美]加里·杰里菲、唐纳德·怀曼著,俞新天等译.《制造奇迹:拉美与东亚工业化的道路》,上海,上海远东出版社,1996年.
  • 8Femando Fajnzylber, La Industrializacion Trunca de America Latina, Editorial Nueva Imagen, Mexico - Caracas - Buenos Aires, 1983, p. 208.
  • 9CEPAL, America Latina y el Caribe: Opciones para Reducir el Peso de la Deuda, Santiago de Chile, 1990, p. 12.
  • 10Jorge Katz, "Cambios Estructurales y Productividad en la Indu- stria Latinoameficana 1970 - 1996", Revista de la CEPAL, No. 71, Agosto de 2000, p. 74.











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