海堤迎浪侧坡面一般采用人工块体防护,人工块体的种类很多,形状非常复杂,从而给块体结构图的绘制造成很大的困难。基于Solidworks绘图原理,对《海堤工程设计规范》(GB/T 51015—2014)中提供的常用护面块体进行了三维模型的重新构建。借助Solidworks,依据规范中提供的护面块体的类型和尺寸,阐述了建立其结构的三维模型并导出工程图的详细过程。通过对比分析,修正了现行规范中常用护面块体的工程图在形状绘制及尺寸标注方面存在的问题。此方法对精确绘制其他护面块体的工程图具有一定的指导意义,同时对海岸工程中其他结构工程图的绘制具有一定的参考价值。
The wave-side slope surface of the sea dike is commonly protected by using artificial blocks.These blocks have various types and are very complex in shape,making the plotting of the structure diagram of the blocks difficult.In this paper,the armor blocks of the sea dike that are commonly used and have also been stipulated in the Code for Design of Sea Dike Project(GB/T 51015—2014)are reconstructed to a 3D model based on the SolidWorks drawing principle.With the aid of SolidWorks and on the basis of the type and size of the armor blocks introduced in the Code,the 3D model used for reconstructing the structure of the armor blocks is illustrated and the detailed process for deriving the engineering drawing is described.By comparing and analyzing,problems about the shape drawing and dimensioning occurring in the engineering drawing of the armor blocks commonly used and stipulated in the Code are corrected.This approach has some guiding significance for accurately plotting the engineering drawings of other armor blocks,and also has certain reference value for plotting engineering drawings of other structures of the coastal engineering.
Coastal Engineering