旅游目的地形象长期受到国内外旅游学术界及业界的广泛关注,但基于不同文化背景下的不同群体比较视角探析旅游目的地形象的差异问题则鲜有涉及。采用网络文本分析法,借助KH Coder文本分析软件对国内外游客对西安回民街的评论进行词频、情感分析。研究表明:(1)国内游客对"老字号"品牌的认知度高、对环境卫生的关注高、对旅游基础设施的要求高;而国际游客则更关注美食本身及其制作工艺、对文化氛围的关注高、对旅游基础设施的要求较低;(2)在情感形象感知上虽然都以积极情感为主,但是国内外游客在消极以及中性情感的感知差异较大,即国内游客的消极情感远高于国外游客,国外游客的中性情感比重远大于国内游客;基于以上结论,笔者从文化维度包括权力距离、文化距离以及高低文化语境3个角度来阐释其感知产生差异的机理,并提出打造差异化的回民街形象,重视国际潜力市场,基于文化差异进行精准营销等营销策略。
Destination image has been the subject of great amount of studies in tourism field since the 1970s. However, little attention has been paid to conduct the comparative study of tourism destination im- age between different tourists groups with different cultural backgrounds. The perception of destination image is largely based on tourists' subjective evaluation, thus it is necessary to study tourism destination image perception differences of groups with different cultural background. In order to explore the percep- tion differences between tourists from China and those from abroad on Muslim Quarter, 2000 online travel reviews from tourists at home and abroad are analyzed by KH Coder using web content mining method. Through the analyses of word frequency, tourists' emotions, the paper finds that differences in the image are the perception of Muslim Quarter between Chinese tourists and international tourists. In addition, al- though both groups hold positive perception for Muslim Quarter, differences exist in the affective percep- tion between the two groups. Furthermore, the paper explains the reason why big differences exist be- tween the two groups from the three cross-cultural perspectives including power distance, cultural distance and high and low cultural context. In the light of the results, the paper proposes suggestions for enhancing Muslim Quarter's destination image for Chinese tourists as well as for international tourists, which in- cludes forming a different destination image, enhancing the propaganda in international market, as well as conducting positioning marketing strategies based on cultural features of tourists.
Tourism Forum
tourism destination image
image perception
web context analysis
cultural backgrounds
Muslim Quarter