本文介绍一种具有较高性能价格比的医学透射电镜图象处理系统,该系统以IBM PC/XT,AT或386计算机为主机,插件板式的接口电路具有灵活和通用性强的特点。摄象机电子束控制技术的采用满足了低照度图象采集与处理的要求。应用软件可对生物医学图象进行基本的图象处理及细胞超微结构的体密度等定量计算。
This paper describes a high power/cost ratio practical on-line computer system for a transmis sion electron microscope (TEM). A widely used IBM PC/XT, AT or 386 computer is employed as central processor and a single-slot, single-board interface unit is designed for the purpose of flexibility and common use. By adopting some new techniques, such as 'pixel selection', basic pulse wave selecting and switching box methods, the hardware cost is greatly cut down. An electron beam controlling technique increases the sensitivity by 1 time without additional costs, Initial use shows a practical potentiality for TEM biological ultrastructure processing.
Chinese Journal of Medical Instrumentation