联合T/P、ERS1/GM、ERS1/ERM、ERS2/ERM、GEOSAT/ERM、GEOSAT/GM等多源卫星测高数据,基于逆Vening-Meinesz公式和EGM2008模型,采用移去-恢复方法和快速傅里叶变换算法构建了中国西太平洋海域(0°~40°N,105°E^145°E)1'×1'重力异常模型,选取两个不同特征区域航线,将构建的重力异常模型、EGM2008重力异常模型、美国Scripps海洋研究所重力异常与船测重力数据进行比较分析。结果表明,构建的重力异常模型与船测重力总体趋势变化较为一致、与船测重力比较均方根差为4.16m Gal,总体精度与EGM2008模型重力异常、美国Scripps海洋研究所重力异常相当,反演精度和分辨率达到国际领先水平。
In this paper, multi-source altimetry data from satellite T/P , ERS1/GM, ERS1/ERM, ERS2/ERM, GEOSAT/ERM and GEOS AT/GM were jointed. Using remove-restore method and fast Fourier transform algorithm,Tx 1^ near Chinay s Western Pacific ( 0 ° ~ 4 0 ° N ,105°E ~ 145°E ) gravity anomaly model was calculated based on inverse Vening-Meinesz formula and EGM2008 gravity model. For more objectively evaluation to the gravity anomaly accuracy from multi-satellite altimetric data, the result in this paper was compared with the shipbome gravimetric data,which was used as exterior checking.Two trajectories in different feature areas were chosen for comparison of the proposed gravity anomaly model, EMG2008 model, gravity anomaly model from D. T.Sandwell (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, USA) and shipboard gravity anomaly data.The results show that general tendencies of the proposed model were in well agreement with shipboard gravity data while the difference between them had a mean square error of 4.16 mGal.Overall this model has similar accuracy with EGM2008 and Sandwell models.The research in inversion of sea gravity should be up to the world advanced level.
Hydrographic Surveying and Charting