
大鼠运动行为的自动化检测与分类 被引量:2

Auto detection and analysis of locomotion behavior in rat
摘要 目的 探讨大鼠运动行为的自动化检测与评估方法。方法 利用计算机自动化技术对大鼠运动行为进行记录 ,并对记录数据进行统计整理 ,找出具有代表意义重复性高的评估其运动行为特征的指标。结果 通过对大鼠各运动速率百分比加权求和得出实验动物运动水平值 (M)可以反映其整体运动行为状况 ,根据运动速率可将大鼠在特定时间段内的活动区分为四种类型 ,实验动物入陌生环境头 2 5分钟四种运动类型所占份额的百分比数值有较好的重复性。结论 在本室自行研制的实验动物运动行为自动化检测系统中 ,运动水平值 (M )和头 2 Objective To develop a new method of analysis and evaluation of locomotion behavior in rat. Methods To find a new index for evalute the locomotion behaviour of rat in good iteration. We recorded the locomotion velocity of 7 rats in detail (each of 0?1?2?3?5?8?13?21?34?55?89?144 pixels/ 0.5s ) by computer auotmatically, and analysed the recording data. Results We get a value M from computing sum of different weighted data which is each percent of locomotion velocity in certain duration. The estate of locomotion of rat were classified into 4 types: stillness, combing, walking, fast walking. Especially, the percentage of each 4 types of first 25min in detected were analysed. Conclusion The value M and the percentage of 4 types of first 25min have a good iteration, and could be of important index for evaluting locomotion behaviour of experimental animal.
出处 《中国行为医学科学》 CSCD 2002年第4期366-367,共2页 Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science
关键词 大鼠 运行行为 自动化检测 分类 Locomotion behaviour Automatical analysis Rat
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