目的对该院配置中心2015年细胞毒药物的不合理医嘱进行分析。方法收集2015年1—12月的不合理医嘱1 690组,对其中的细胞毒药物不合理医嘱进行统计分析。结果细胞毒药物不合理医嘱52组,占不合理医嘱3.08%。其中溶媒错误37例,占71.15%,配伍禁忌4例,占7.69%,超剂量用药6例,占11.54%,其他5例,占9.62%。结论通过审方药师的干预,可提高临床用药合理性,应在临床工作中予以重视。
Objective To analyze the irrational prescriptions of pharmacy intravenous admixture service( PIVAS) in 2015. Methods One thousand six hundred and ninety groups of irrational prescriptions were collected from January 2015 to December 2015 in Nantong Tumor Hospital,and analyzed. Results There were 52 groups of irrational prescription of cytotoxic drugs,accounting for 3. 08% of the total irrational prescriptions. Among them,the error of solvent was found in 37 cases( 71. 15%). There were,4 cases of incompatibility( 7. 69%),6 cases of drug overdose( 11. 54%) and 5 cases of other irrationality( 9. 62%). Conclusions The rationality of clinical drug use can be improved through the intervention of prescription-checking by pharmacists.
Anhui Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal