To ensure the tensioning accuracy and anchoring perform ance of the parallel steelstrand stay cables and to im prove the tensioning efficiency, the Liuguang River B ridge, a com positegirder cable-stayed bridge w ith double pylons, double cable planes and w ith span arrangem ent(242 + 580 + 242) m , was cited as an exam ple and the schem e for tensioning of the stay cables ofthe bridge w as optim ized. In the original schem e for tensioning of the cables, the dead w eight ofthe structure w as rem oved m ainly w hile at the sam e tim e, the force conditions of the structurew ere considered. T he schem e required the repeated fine adjustm ent of the cables, was tim e-consuming and w as even not advantageous to the anchoring safety. In the optim ized schem e, the forcevalues of the cables to be tensioned for the second tim e w ere raised and the com pressive stress reservationof the w et joint of the present segm ent w as reduced. T he controlling of the deck slab andw et joint stresses of the present segm ent w ithin the lim it range at the tim e the successive segm entof the steel m ain girder w as being assem bled w as taken as the target and the single cable tensioningm ethod at the tim e the cables w ere tensioned and adjusted for the third tim e w as accordinglychanged into the heavy load integrally tensioning. T he finite elem ent calculation and the im plem entationeffect of the optim ized schem e show s th at w ith the optim ized schem e, the stresses and geometric shapes of the m ain girder in the construction and of the com pleted bridge, the cable forcesand the pylon offsetting can all m eet the relevant requirem ents in the codes. Com pared to the originalschem e, 40d of the construction tim e schedule was shortened.
Bridge Construction
Liuguang River B ridge
cable-stayed bridg e
com posite g ird er
steel strand stay cable
construction co n trol
finite elem ent m eth o d
stay cable force optim ization