
田维柱针灸个体化辨证出针 被引量:3

Tian Weizhu Individual Differentiation out of the Needle Acupuncture
摘要 田维柱教授认为针灸出针作为整个毫针刺法最后一步,包括很多技巧及注意事项,要双手配合,出针贵缓。个体化出针,辨证不同出针也不相同;出针前须施以捻转或提插以加强遗留针感,缓解滞针,并在出针后一定时间仍保留针感,增强"针刺后遗感";把握时机,强调气至及出针时针下感觉,结合补泻,邪气盛实证可摇大针孔,且不按针孔;正气不足虚证出针后应手按针孔;行针后快速出针为补,徐缓出针为泻;患者吸气时出针为补;呼气时出针为泻。不可只单向捻转,易滞针致患者疼痛;滞针应向滞针相反方向稍捻转,针体松动后缓慢出针;出针前行针得气不需特别强的针感,适度即可。出针贵缓与徐疾补泻中补法疾出针并不冲突,病有虚实,在疾病不虚不实及辨证不清时可缓慢出针;虚证可疾出针,多数可与开阖补泻的补法同用。注意患者身体状态、特殊部位(头、眼周等)以避免出针后意外,可事半功倍。 Professor TIAN Weizhu believes that acupuncture is the last step in the whole process of acupuncture, including a lot of skills and precautions. It is pointed out that the individual needle is different from that of the needle. The needle should be twisted or inserted before the injection to strengthen the sense of the left hand, to relieve the stitches, and to retain the needle after the injection to enhance the "postacupuncture feeling". Grasp the timing, emphasize the air to and the needle to feel under the hand, combined with the diarrhea, the evil spirit sheng demonstration can shake the big needle hole, and not by pinhole; The needle should be pressed by the needle after the insufficiency of the positive Qi. After the needle, the needle is quick to replace the needle. The patient exhaled with a needle for diarrhea and a needle for filling while inhaling. It is not only one way twist, but the pin can cause pain. The hysteresis needle should hold the needle in the opposite direction slightly twist, the needle body loosens and slowly comes out the needle; it is not necessary to get a needle to get out of the needle. It is not conflict with the injection of the needle, the disease is false, and the needle can be slowly released when the disease is not false and the syndrome is not clear. The virtual certificate can be used for the quick release of the needle. Pay attention to the patient's body condition, special position(head, around eyes, etc.) to avoid the accident after the injection, but the accident can be twice the result.
作者 栾桂芳 海英
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2017年第11期1-3,共3页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
关键词 针灸 出针贵缓 双手配合 开阖补泻 捻转 提插 气至 行针 滞针 针刺后遗感 呼吸进针 田维柱 老中医经验 acupuncture a stitch in time is slow hands together reinforcing and reducing methodby keeping hole opened or closed twisting plug arrival of Qi needle hysteresis needle sense ofafteracupuncture breathing in the needle TIAN Weizhu old Chinese medicine experience
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