目的探讨综合应用常染色体STR与Y-STR、X-STR、mtDNA高变区Ⅰ序列检测四类遗传标记,提高两男性混合精液样品的个人识别率。方法使用商品化试剂盒检测混合精液样品的常染色体与X、Y染色体STR,应用单链构象多态性(single strand conformation polymorphism,SSCP)法分离两男性混合精液样品的线粒体DNA(mitochondrial DNA,mtDNA)高变区Ⅰ序列,并进行序列分析。结果混合精液样品比例超过1:10(高组分所占比例继续增加而低组分所占比例继续减少)时可以确定高拷贝者的全部四类遗传标记系统的分型。比例接近时,通过与嫌疑人检测结果的比较可获得排除或基本认定的意见。结论四类遗传标记系统的联合检测有助于提高两男性混合精液样品的个人识别率。
Objective To investigate personal identification of mixed seminal stain of two individuals,we combined the detection of genotyping autosomal,Y and X STR and sequencing mtDNA hypervariable Ⅰ(HV Ⅰ) region.Methods We analyzed autosomal,Y and X STR with commercial kit and separating and sequencing HV Ⅰ fragments of mixed seminal stain from two males by SSCP electrophoresis.Results Four genetic markers of the high amount sample can be obtained when mixed ratio is more than 1:10.When the proportion of two samples is close,the suspect could be excluded or,to some extent,identified by comparing with our results.Conclusion The combined detection of four genetic marker systems can,to some degree,solve the personal identification from mixed seminal stain of two individuals.
Chinese Journal of Forensic Medicine