
广西古寿村中老年人的健康状况及影响因素分析 被引量:2

Analysis of health status and its influencing factors among middle-aged and elderly residents of a longevity village in Guangxi Province
摘要 目的了解广西古寿村中老年人的健康状况及相关影响因素,为政府进一步落实精准医疗扶贫政策提供参考。方法采用问卷调查法,对古寿村85名45岁以上的中老年人进行随机问卷调查。结果调查对象中生活完全自理者占91.8%,不能自理者占8.2%。近1年调查对象的患病率为100.0%。调查对象高血压患病率为76.5%,且调查对象高血压患病率在性别方面的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。调查对象中每天吃早餐者占81.2%,而从不吃早餐者仅占8.2%。饮食口味为偏咸、偏甜及偏辣的调查对象所占比例分别为23.5%,9.4%及5.9%。每天食用水果50g以下及基本不食用水果的调查对象所占比例分别为38.8%及23.5%。调查对象中有晨起空腹喝水习惯者占21.2%,而喝水无规律,口渴时才喝水者占54.1%。通过电视、广播获取健康教育知识者占71.8%,而通过相关人员下乡宣传获取健康教育知识者仅占16.5%。调查对象中从未参加过体检者占64.7%。结论古寿村中老年人缺乏相关健康教育知识,有不良的饮食习惯,且身体健康状况较差;同时,社会对古寿村的关注度较低。相关部门应该加大健康教育知识宣传力度,提高古寿村居民的自我保健意识,并构建志愿者服务团队,为古寿村居民提供义诊服务,从而有效减少因病致贫、因病返贫现象的发生。 Objective To analyze the health status and its influencing factors among middle-aged and elderly residents of a longevity village in Guangxi Province, which may provide evidence for the implementation of tar- geted poverty alleviation by medical treatment. Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted in 85 residents aged over 45 years from the longevity village. Results Of these interviewees, 91.8% were completely inde- pendent, while 8.2% were dependent. The morbidity rate within 1 year before the survey reached 100.0%, The prevalence of hypertension was 76.5%, The gender differences in the prevalence of hypertension of the inter- viewees were statistically significant (P〈0. 05). In terms of eating habits, 81.2% ate breakfast every day, while 8.2% never ate breakfast; the proportions of interviewees who preferred a salty, sweet or spicy diet were 23.5%, 9.4% and 5.9%, respectively; The proportions of interviewees who had an intake of less than 50 g of fruit or little fruit everyday were 38.8% and 23.5%, 21.2% had a habit of drinking water upon getting up in the morning, while 54.1% drank water until he or she felt thirsty. As for how to acquire health education knowledge, TV/broadcasting was the main approach in 71.8% of the interviewees, while only 16.5% acquired such knowledge from countryside publicity activities. The proportions of interviewees who never received health check-up were 64.7%. Conclusion The middle-aged and elderly people in this longevity village had in-adequate health education knowledge, unhealthy eating habits, and generally poor health status. Meanwhile, little attention has been paid to the health of the residents in the longevity village. It is essential to increase the publicity of health education knowledge, boost the residentst awareness of self-care, and establish a volunteerservice team to provide free medical service for the residents, which may effectively relieve illness-related poverty or re-poverty.
出处 《保健医学研究与实践》 2017年第6期35-38,共4页 Health Medicine Research and Practice
基金 广西高等学校优秀中青年骨干教师培养工程项目(桂教人:2004)
关键词 贫困山区 中老年人 健康状况 精准医疗扶贫 Poor mountainous area Middle-aged and elderly people Health status Targeted poverty alleviation by medical treatment
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