
经济学说的两类特征及其价值:兼论分析和综合两种方法 被引量:1

The Characteristics of Two Kind of Economic Doctrines and Its Value: On the Methods as Analysis and Synthesis
摘要 学术研究有两种基本思维:(1)“分”析思维,它基于特定前提假设进行形式逻辑推理;(2)综“合”思维,它基于对不同侧面的分析思维及其相关认知的契合。相应地,就形成两类基本科学命题:(1)由“分”析思维得出分析命题,它注重逻辑一致性;(2)由综“合”思维获得综合命题,它主张理论与现实的一致性。进而在“分”析路线中,假设前提改变往往会带来完全新颖的结论,这就产生了“革命性”学说;但同时,这种学说只是基于特定视角和假设而忽视其他,从而就具有片面性。相反,在综“合”路线中,各种不同侧面的学说被嵌合在统一框架下,从而产生了“综合性”学说;但同时,各种不同的思维和假设往往很难有机统一起来,从而就具有逻辑模糊性。在经济学说史中,可以清楚地看到两类学说的存在,如斯密和穆勒的学说就属于综合性学说,而弗里德曼和卢卡斯的学说则属于革命性学说。对学说特性的区分,有助于更好地认识两类学说的理论和实践价值,进而更全面地审视当前流行的经济学说。 There are two basic thinkings for academic research. (1) The thinking of "Analysis", which is the formal logic reasoning based on some specific assumptions. (2) The thinking of "synthesis", which is the consilience of the thinking and cognition with different sides. Accordingly, there are also two basic propositions for scientific research. (1) The analyzed proposition derived from the thinking of analysis, which pays attention to the consistency of logic. (2) The comprehensive proposition derived from the thinking of synthesis, which advocates the consistency between theory and reality. Further, on the line of analysis, it will give rise to a completely new conclusion by changing the assumption, and which produces a "revolutionary" doctrine. At the same time, based on a particular perspective and assumptions and ignore others, so this kind theory always is of limitation. On the contrary, on the line of synthesis, the variety theories with different aspects is unified in a framework, and which produces a "compromised" doctrine. At the same time, the different thinking and assumptions usually cannot get unified organically, so this kind theory always is of logical fuzzy. These two kinds of doctrines can be made out in the history of economics theory, such as Smith and Mill's theories belong to "compromised" doctrine, and Friedman and Lucas's theories belong to doctrine. By distinguishing the " revolutionary " the characteristics of doctrines, it will help to better understand the theoretical and practical value of two kinds doctrines, and further make a more extensive exafnination on the current theory.
作者 朱富强
出处 《南大商学评论》 CSSCI 2016年第4期21-47,共27页 Nanjing Business Review
关键词 革命性学说 综合性学说 经济学说史 货币主义 理性预期 Revolutionary Doctrine Compromised Doctrine History of Economic Theory MonetarismRational expectation
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