

Textual research and interpretation of terms in the chapter of Discourse on how the generative qi communicates with Heaven from Suwen(Plain Questions) : eight examples
摘要 以训诂学为主要研究手段,对《素问·生气通天论篇》中"其所""欲如运枢""偏沮""闭拒""收拒""气立""露风""寒热"等八个语词进行考释,最终得出如下结论:"其所"义犹"其宜",《太素》作"其行",是因"所""行"草法相近而致误;"欲如运枢"中,"欲如"为同义复词,"运枢"是"连枢"之误,其义是说人感受寒邪之后,活动不利犹如腰髀牵连一般;"偏沮"义谓半身湿润,而非半身无汗;"闭拒"或作"闭距",为同义复词,是闭合、关闭之义;"收拒"或作"收距",亦是同义复词,即止之义,犹言收工、休息;"气立"即气之存在,引申为人身之气的运行;"露风"即雾露与邪风,泛指外来邪气;"寒热"是指以恶寒发热为主要临床表现的一类疾病,而不可简单理解为恶寒发热之症。 With the method of exegesis,the paper studied and gave new explanations of eight terms in the chapter of Discourse on how the generative qi communicates with Heaven from Suwen( Plain Questions),including qisuo( its appropriateness,其所),yuru yunshu( like a hinge,欲如运枢),pianju( half wetness,偏沮),biju( closed,闭拒),shouju( rest,收拒),qili( qi movement,气立),lufeng( dew and wind,露风),and hanre( [disease with] chill and fever,寒热). qisuo( 其所) should actually be qiyi( its appropriateness,其宜) and it was written as qixing( its movement,其行) in Taisu( Grand Simplicity) because suo( place,所) and xing( movement,行) are similar in strokes and were confused in handwritten script. In the term of yuru yunshu( 欲如运枢),yu( 欲) and ru( 如) are synonyms meaning"like",while yunshu( 运枢) should be written as lianshu( 连枢). This term means that patients who have externally contracted cold evil will suffer from inhibited movement as if their waist and thigh are hinged. Pianju( 偏沮) means half-body wetting rather than hemilateral anhidrosis. Biju( 闭拒 or 闭距)is a synonym compound meaning closed. Shouju( 收拒 or 收距) is also a synonym compound,which means stopwork and rest. Qili( 气立) is the establishment of general qi,extended to mean the movement of qi. Lufeng( 露风) indicates fog,dew and wind,referring to the external pathogen. Hanre( 寒热) refers to a range of diseases with the main clinical manifestation of aversion to cold with fever,and not just the symptoms.
作者 朱鹏举
机构地区 辽宁中医药大学
出处 《北京中医药大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第12期993-998,共6页 Journal of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 辽宁省教育厅人文社会科学重点研究基地资助项目(No.ZJ2015036)~~
关键词 素问 生气通天论篇 语词 考释 Suwen (Plain Questions) Shengqi Tongtian Lun Pian terms textual research and interpretation
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