采用固相萃取/超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法,检测东太湖水源地三个典型点位原水中8类共31种抗生素的残留量(包括氨基糖苷类1种、林可胺类1种、氯霉素类2种、β-内酰胺类2种、大环内酯类4种、喹诺酮类4种、四环素类4种、磺胺类13种)。通过固相萃取富集、多反应监测(MRM)定性定量分析,该方法的平均回收率为65.6%~108.8%,相对标准偏差为2.35%~17.1%,准确度及精密度均良好,灵敏度高(最低检出浓度为1.0 ng/L),可快速有效地检测东太湖原水中多种痕量抗生素的残留量。
31 kinds in 8 categories of antibiotic residues ( including 1 kind of aminoglycosides, 1 kind of lincomycins, 2 kinds of chloramphenicols, 2 kinds of 13-lactams, 4 kinds of macrolides, 4 kinds of quinolines, 4 kinds of tetracyclines and 13 kinds of sulfonamides) in three typical sites of East Taihu Lake water source were determined by UPLC - MS/MS, through enrichment of solid-phase extraction and qualitatively and quantitatively analysis of multiple reaction monitoring. The average recovery rate was 65.6% - 108.8%, and the RSD was 2.35% - 17.1%. Good accuracy and precision with high sensitivity (the minimum detectable concentration was 1.0 ng/L) were achieved, which indicated that the method could be applied to detect multiple trace antibiotic residues in East Taihu Lake raw water rapidly and sens!tively.
China Water & Wastewater