
灌溉方式和施氮量对水稻产量和品质的影响 被引量:15

The Effects of Irrigation and Nitrogen Application on Grain Yield and Quality of Rice
摘要 以沿黄稻区主栽粳稻品种新稻22号和新稻10号为材料,设置常规灌溉(W)和控制灌溉(D)2种灌溉方式,不施氮(CK,0 kg/hm^2纯N)、低氮(LN,90 kg/hm^2纯N)、中氮(MN,180 kg/hm^2纯N)和高氮(HN,270 kg/hm^2纯N)4个氮素水平,研究不同灌溉方式和施氮量对水稻产量和品质的影响。结果表明,产量随施氮量增加而增加,2015年产量MN处理最高;与常规灌溉相比,控制灌溉下新稻22号和新稻10号产量(氮素处理均值)分别下降10.5%和12.6%(2015年)、2.1%和0.8%(2016年),差异不显著。灌溉方式与氮素水平对稻米的碾磨及外观品质无显著影响;籽粒淀粉量随施氮量增加呈先增后降的趋势,粗蛋白量与施氮水平正相关;控制灌溉的粗蛋白量较常规灌溉高,而淀粉量2个品种表现不一致,各处理间无显著差异。籽粒氮代谢相关酶GOT和GPT活性与施氮量正相关;碳代谢相关酶SS、SSS、ADPGase和Q酶活性随施氮量增加先增后降,各处理间差异显著;控制灌溉下Q酶和GOT活性显著提高。综上可知,控制灌溉下施氮量在180 kg/hm2时2品种产量较高,稻米加工品质有所改善,外观品质因品种而异。 Taking two japonica rice varieties, Xindao22 and Xindao 10, cultivated in the Yellow River as the model plants, this paper investigated the impact of irrigation and nitrogen application on their yield and grain quality. We examined two irrigation methods-conventional irrigation (W) and controlled irrigation (D) and four nitrogen levels, 0 kg/hm2 (CK) 90 kg/hm2 (LN), 180 kg/hm2 (MN), and 270 kg/hm: (HN). The results showed that the yield increased with nitrogen application and the yield under MN treatment maximized in 2015. In comparison with the CK, the yield of Xindao22 and Xindaol0 (mean of all N treatments) decreased by 10.5% and 12.6% in 2015, and 2.1% and 0.8% in 2016, respectively, while there was no significant difference among the two irriga- tion methods. Irrigation and nitrogen application did not have noticeable impact on rice processing quality and appearance quality. The starch content in the grains increased first and then decreased as nitrogen application in- creased; the concentration of crude protein was positively correlated with the nitrogen application, and was high- er under control irrigation than under conventional irrigation; The content of starch and its components showed inconsistency between the two varieties and there was no significant difference between the two irrigation treatmerits. The activity of key enzymes GOT and GPT involved in nitrogen metabolism was positively correlated with nitrogen application, and the activity of SS, SSS, ADPGase and Q enzymes involved in carbon metabolism decreased under HN treatment and the difference was significant among the treatments. The Q enzymes and GOT activity increased significantly under control irrigation compared with conventional irrigation. Higher yield was achieved with 180 kg/hm2 pure N application under control irrigation and processing quality improved, while the appearance quality varied with the two varieties.
出处 《灌溉排水学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第12期1-7,共7页 Journal of Irrigation and Drainage
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51409249) 中央级科研院所基本科研业务费专项(中国农业科学院农田灌溉研究所)
关键词 水稻 灌溉方式 产量 品质 碳氮代谢 rice irrigation method yield quality carbon and nitrogen metabolism
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