介绍Trimble BD970OEM板接收BINEX格式数据流的结构和解码原理,得到相应的多系统观测文件和星历文件,成功完成对实测数据的解码。介绍GNSS观测数据质量评估的指标及方法,并基于解码后的数据对BD970OEM板进行数据分析,得到该板卡的观测数据质量相关指标值,为后续的产品应用提供可靠保障。
This paper introduces the structure and decoding principle of data stream in BINEX format that are received by the Trimble BD970 OEM board. The corresponding observation and navigation files are acquired, implying that the mission of decoding to the measured data is accomplished success- fully. In addition, indicators and methods of GNSS observation data quality evaluation are described in this paper. The research conducts data analysis based on decoded data of the BD970 OEM board and eventually acquires relevant indicators on the quality of observational data, providing reliable data for the subsequent product applications.
Journal of Geodesy and Geodynamics