
分享经济:研究评述与未来展望 被引量:64

Sharing Economy: Literature Review and Future Directions
摘要 分享经济已成为学术界和实践界关注的热点话题,但相关的文献综述仍尚付阙如。为此,本文对分享经济领域内的重要文献进行了梳理和回顾。首先,本文比较了分享与分享经济在概念上的区别,并归纳出分享经济的四个特征:以闲置资源为基础,以互联网平台为支撑,以短时让渡使用权为方式,以获取收益为目的。在此基础上,本文对消费者和平台两个层面的文献进行了分析,结果显示:在消费者层面,推动人们参与分享经济的动机主要是经济利益,社交动机和环保动机的作用未取得一致结论,而信任度、熟悉度和感知的风险因素能影响人们参与分享经济;在平台层面,信任和声誉体系的建立、平台监管体系的设立和商业模式的设计是影响平台成功的关键因素,而互联网社区的建设对于平台成功的作用尚存在争议。最后,本文提出了分享经济领域的未来研究方向:对于分享经济的概念、分享经济下的闲置资源利用、分享经济生态系统的设计、分享经济下的人力资源管理和传统企业如何应对分享经济等问题都需进一步探讨。本文有助于深化对分享经济的认识,对于该领域内的理论研究和实践发展都具有重要参考价值。 Sharing economy is gradually changing people's lifestyles,working patterns and companies' business models. With its rapid development, sharing economy has attracted much attention from policy-makers, managers and scholars. However, studies on sharing economy are at the early stage. Research on sharing economy is multi-disciplinary and multi-level, but the literature is fragmented. To better understand sharing economy,this paper provides a systematic literature review on sharing economy in business and management field. We collected literature from following sources: In English literature respect,we searched the EBSCO Business Sotirce ComlJlete database for academic articles containing the term sharing economy or collaborative consumption. In Chidese literature respect,we searched the CNKI database for academic papers published in CSSCI journals with the same terms. In addition,we obtained literature from the references of sharing economy papers and the official websites of sharing economy scholars. As a result, we obtained 44 academic-oriented journal papers,9 practitioner-oriented journal papers,28 Chinese journal papers and 5 other papers. Firstly, this paper distir^guishes between sharing and sharing economy. Sharing comprises traditional sharing and internet-facilitated sharing. The typical examples of traditional sharing are that tribal members share the meat of prey in primitive society and family members share housing, furniture, food and other resources in modern society. There are two types of internet-facilitated sharing: pure-online sharing like Facebook and online-offline sharing like Sharehood. Both traditional sharing and internet-facilitated sharing are non-reciprocal. Contrary to sharing, sharing economy is an economic model based on sharing underutilized assets from spaces to skills to stuff for monetary or non-monetary benefits. There are four characteristics of sharing economy: idle resource,internet-platform,temporary transfer of use right,and revenue-driven. Then, this paper reviews the customer-level literature. Consumer-level studies on sharing economy show that the motivation of people's participation in sharing economy is mainly economic interest, while social motivation and environmental motivation do not reach consistent conclusions. People's participation in sharing economy is affected by trust, familiarity with the platform and perceived risk. There are several limitations in the existing studies. We suggest scholars select more representative samples, distinguish between resource sharers and users, and explore the outcomes of people's participation in sharing economy. Next, this paper reviews the platform-level literature. Platform-level studies on sharing economy show that trust building, platform governance, and business model design are key factors that make sharing economy companies successful, while the role of community building is still in dispute. The platform-level literature on sharing economy is rare. We suggest scholars explore the process and mechanism of sharing economy companies and develop platform-level measurements of sharing economy. Scholars can extend existing theories or even build new theories by studying sharing economy. In the last section we propose five future research directions: Making the concept of sharing economy clearer, idle resource utilization in sharing economy, business ecosystem design in sharing economy, human resource management in sharing economy, and traditional companies' responses to sharing economy. This study deepens people's understanding about sharing economy and advances scholars' research on sharing economy.
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期191-208,共18页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"资源驱动型拼凑对机会辨识与创新绩效作用机制的研究"(71572204)
关键词 分享 分享经济 共享经济 协同消费 文献回顾 sharing sharing economy collaborative consumption literature review
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