随着易选磷矿资源的日益枯竭,必需大规模开发利用剩余的难选磷矿资源,以满足磷酸生产的需求.不同产地的磷矿性质的差异很大,对选矿工艺的要求也不相同.与磷矿共生的脉石矿物主要有石英、硅酸盐、碳酸盐、铁铝氧化物、黏土矿物、有机质等.在磷矿选矿工艺中,主要还是通过浮选工艺脱除磷矿中的杂质矿物,以获得可以利用的磷酸盐精矿.目前,还没有"通用"的药剂、药剂条件或浮选流程,可以用来浮选不同产地的磷矿.作为选矿药剂公司,阿麦仔致力于根据磷矿石的特性开发新的浮选药剂,用于选别不同地区的磷矿资源,包括中国.本文将介绍使用阿麦仔CustoFloat~?(CF)类阴离子捕收剂和Cust Amine~?(CA)类阳离子捕收剂浮选不同地区磷矿的一些实例.
With the depletion of easily processed phosphate reserves,the phosphate which remains useablemust be extensively processd to recover the useable phosphate,by rejecting gangue impurities prior to its use inphosphoric acid manufacturing. The characteristics of phosphate ores from different sources can varysignificantly. The impurities associated with phosphate reserves include clay,silica quartz,silicates,carbonateminerals,iron oxide minerals,organics,etc.. Among the technologies for processing phosphate ores,flotationtechnology is most often used in the process to separate phosphate from those impurities to obtain the marketableconcentrate. There is no“universal”reagent,reagent scheme or flowsheet capable of beneficiating phosphateores from different sources. ArrMaz has made a great effort in developing new reagents for processing phosphateores around the globe including in China. The examples using ArrMaz CustoFloat (CF) and CustAmine (CAcollectors will be presented.
Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology