
民主与法治:构建良好党内政治生态的两大制度基石 被引量:16

Democracy and the Rule of Law: the Two Cornerstone Systems of Building Good Political Ecology in the Party
摘要 从政治生态学的角度来判断,一个政治体系,既能保护公民的自由和正当权利,维护公共利益而不滥权,又富有公共效率,基本上就是一个富有良好政治生态的现代政治体系。如此政治体系的养成,得之于对政治权力的必要限制,即把政治权力限于社会正义和公民权所设定的范围之内。而其限制方式和制度程序,一在民主,二在法治。二者有机融合,互为表里,缺一不可。无论从制度设计的科学性还是历史实践的进程来看,民主政治和法治国家,都是社会与人性自然演进与优化构设在现时段的必然逻辑结果。民主与法治所内蕴的开放、阳光、公正的制度属性,以及因此而生发出的对于政治权力的制约与监督功能,比起单纯的思想教育和道德训诫,显然更加富有制度性效率,更加符合构建"良好政治生态"的内在要求,更加符合人类进步的历史潮流和趋势,无疑代表着人类政治文化发展的愿景。只有民主和以之为前提的政治与法律制度设计,才能够在制度层面一揽子解决权力的来源、权力的制约这两个关涉政权合法性和正当性的根本性问题。在此大前提之下,我们所呼唤的良好政治生态,包括良好的党内政治生态,必将如人所愿,自然地生发出来。 From the perspective of political ecology, a political system could be basically regarded as a modern political system with good political ecology, if it protects citizens’ freedom and legitimate rights, safeguards public interests without abuse of power, works with high efficiency. Such a political system is built on the necessary restriction on political power, which constrains the power to the limits set by social justice and citizenship.As to the restrictions and institutional procedures, one is democracy and the other is the rule of law, which is organically integrated and indispensable to each other. In terms of the scientific design of the system or the course of historical practice, both democratic politics and nations subject to the rule of law are the inevitable logical results of the natural evolution and optimization of social and human nature in the current period. The openness,transparency and fairness of the system inherent in democracy, the rule of law and the consequent function of restraining and supervising political power, are clearly more systematic and efficient than pure ideological education and moral admonition. The requirements of good political ecology are more in line with the historical trend and trend of human progress and undoubtedly represent the vision of the development of human political culture.Only through democratization and the design of political and legal systems on the basis of democracy can we solve the fundamental issue of the source of power and the restriction of power entirely at the institutional level,with which the legitimacy and appropriateness is concerned. Under this major premise, the commonly regarded good political ecology, including the good inner-party political ecology, will emerge spontaneously as one wish.
作者 刘京希
出处 《理论与改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期20-30,共11页 Theory and Reform
基金 国家社科基金规划重点项目"建国以来中国共产党与社会关系变迁研究"(批准号13AZZ002)的阶段性成果
关键词 民主法治 党内民主 政治生态 党在法上 党在法下 Democratic rule of law Inner-party democracy Political ecology
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